[Brox] My Blogging Begins

Posted by Broxter on July 18, 2008, 7:30 a.m.

My 64Digits blog adventure begins here…

About Me

So, yeah… I better introduce myself. Well, my name’s Jack Brockley and I live in Stoke-on-Trent in central England. I’m 15 years old and about to enter my final year of secondary school.

General Game Maker

On the Game Maker Community and YoYoGames I’m known by the Username, Broxter, but for some unknown reason I couldn’t get an account to work with Broxter here, so I used my alternative Username, which funnily enough is Broxter2. I’ve been using Game Maker since March 2006, but I’ve only recently got to grips with the program after a couple of years of learning. I now have GM7 Pro and visit the GMC, YoYoGames, 64Digits, GameMaker Blog and many other GM-related sites daily. You will probably not know me, for the simple reason that I have never actually released a completed game. Hopefully this nice little community can encourage me to finish some of the games that I start to develop though =). However, I have released a WIP called GT Pro Circuit. I will probably not work on the next version for quite some time because of the demands of many things that I’m doing at the moment (Game Maker, school, life… it’s just all too much).

The Unofficial Game Maker Magazine

The main thing that I’m doing at the moment is writing for a Game Maker magazine (I’m the editor and I work mainly with the owner, Mattthew_H to produce the magazines). Now, I know some of you may not be too keen on magazines for Game Maker, but obviously some people are, or else there wouldn’t be four Game Maker magazines that are currently publishing countless issues every two or so months. My magazine is currently called The Unofficial Game Maker Magazine – great name, I know. I can actually exclusively reveal that the name will be changing for the next issue. Issue 04 of the magazine was released in early July and you can look at the GMC topic for it . You can then download the issues that are available (look at Issue 01 and 02; you won’t believe how I improved it for Issue 03 when took over as editor). Oh, should tell you that the magazine is currently severely short staffed, with only 4 people contributing to the magazine. If you are interested in writing about Game Maker or game design etc. just pop along to the GMC topic and have a look at the magazine. Then apply for a job; you will most likely be accepted as long as you can show us that you can write something decent. Also, I must mention that the contributors are not paid, as the magazine makes no profit whatsoever =(. Anyway, the 5th issue is scheduled to be released in late August, but it will probably be delayed until mid September. What’s the reason for this? Read the next section to find out.

The latest issue of The Unofficial Game Maker Magazine

My Competition Game Entry

I’m making a game for the 3rd YoYoGames competition with the theme of co-operation. This will probably be the first game that I will complete. Since I am the editor of The Unofficial Game Maker Magazine, this will mean that I will have limited time to write the magazine. I really want to concentrate on finishing this game and releasing it. I will probably be releasing a few teaser screenshots soon. Because, simply put, I like teasing people =D.


So basically, in this blog I will be telling you about me, my games and my magazine or anything else I feel is applicable. Now, I’m going on holiday on Sunday (lucky me) to France, so I’ll look forward to seeing anything you have to say when I return in approximately 2 and a half weeks… (I know, it’s quite a long time; it won’t give me much time for my competition entry…)

- Broxter2


ESA 16 years, 6 months ago

Mmm, sounds like broccoli. What happened to Broxter1?

Broxter 16 years, 6 months ago

Lol, I know, almost everyone I know has picked up on that :D. But it has no association with the vegetable (it's actually a place in London). Also, Broxter1 never existed…

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

'Hopefully this nice little community can encourage me to finish some of the games that I start to develop though =)'

Funnily enough we tend to do the exact opposite <___<

Anyway, Hi, welcome, be… cool and stuff. Read the rules, I guess. Only important ones are (apart from the obvious like don't go around calling people twats), one fronted blog per 24 hours, try to fill the blog box with content (before it expands) and that's about it. So… you're doing quite well on those fronts, Hi!

F1ak3r 16 years, 6 months ago

A "Hi, I'm new" blog that's long enough for the front page. Not something you see very often. Welcome to 64Digits, friend.

So THAT'S where I recognize your name from, the Game Maker Magazine (good thing you're changing the name :D). Um, yeah, nice job with it, you guys are a serious competitor to GMTech and MarkUp. You don't come close to Russell's Quarterly, but don't worry, no-one does.

If you want to finish that competition game, or any game for that matter, here are a few tips that've worked for me in the past:

1. Have a clear vision.

2. Make sure you have enough time.

3. Don't be too ambitious.

4. Blog about your progress.

5. Guard against the feature creep.

6. Release it when you feel it's good enough. Remember, this is indie gamedev, you can release new versions later.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I love the hitcounter. This means you'll get less and less famous as more people visit your page. XD.

Graydon 16 years, 6 months ago


Requiem 16 years, 6 months ago

New guy? Cool. Welcome to 64d.

Golden Wolf 16 years, 6 months ago

O.o, Stone-on-Trent that's not a million miles away from me (in birmingham). Welcome to the (occasionally) friendly place of 64D. I'm GW, and i's the roxzors :P.

frenchcon1 16 years, 6 months ago

woo the english

Josea 16 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits ^_^

Don't be a lazy bastard like I was and finish your games. You don't want to end like me.

And about f1ak3r suggestion of "4. Blog about your progress."

Limit your blogs about your game because if you make too many, you'll soon find yourself spending more time writing blogs rather than working on your game.

SixWinged 16 years, 6 months ago
