Eww, chess talk!

Posted by BuniSuitClassix on March 15, 2006, 7:41 a.m.

While in the making fun of my dear friend John Doyle, for a1 pawn push to a2, for being a horrible move, as an opening on white, i got a huge slap in the face. Apperantly Adolf Anderssen as an early tempo move! Ofcourse it lacks ability, it is not the worst opening, I mean, it is possible to lose in two moves, if you cooperate.. Barnes Opening is more destructive to you than this! Why? It is f2 push to f3.. You get an attack on the center board, but, if you look, a bishop can punch your king in the face, forcing you to hurl a pawn infront of it, also able to conspire with the 2nd move loss.

Where am i going with this? Being an obsessive chess player, i am wondering if anyone knows of a chess program that would allow me to make this opening, and then switch sides, to see how that computer would devalop this anderssen opening, possibly to be used to throw off the elite programs. Anyways, i will continue to look into this, and if i find an answer on my own, i will edit this blog, incase someone shares this interest. Good day!


The game against Jester went as follows

1.a2-a3 Ng8-f6

2.b2-b4 a7-a5

3.c2-c3 a5xb4

4.c3xb4 e7-e5

5.Bc1-b2 d7-d6

6.Nb1-c3 Nb8-c6

7.e2-e3 Bc8-d7

8.Qd1-c2 Bf8-e7

9.Bf1-d3 Ke8-g8

10.Ng1-e2 d6-d5

11.f2-f3 Qd8-e8

12.Ke1-c1 Qe8-c8

13.h2-h3 Kg8-h8

14.g2-g4 h7-h6

15.f3-f4 e5xf4

16.e3xf4 Rf8-e8

17.Bd3-b5 d5-d4

18.Nc3-a4 Nc6-a5

19.Ne2xd4 Bd7xb5

20.Nd4xb5 Qc8-d7

21.b4xa5 Qd7xb5

22.Bb2-c3 Nf6-e4

23.Rh1-f1 Qb5-e2

24.Rd1-e1 Be7xa3+

25.Na4-b2 Qe2-b5

26.d2-d3 Ne4xc3

27.Qc2xc3 Re8xe1+

28.Rf1xe1 Ra8xa5

29.Re1-e5 Ba3-c5

30.d3-d4 Qb5-f1+

31.Nb2-d1 Qf1xf4+

32.Nd1-e3 Bc5-a3+

33.Kc1-c2 Ra5xe5

34.d4xe5 Ba3-b4

35.Qc3xc7 Qf4xe3

36.Qc7-c8+ Kh8-h7

37.Qc8-c4 Bb4-a3

38.Qc4xf7 Qe3-e2+

39.Kc2-b3 Qe2-a6

40.Qf7-f5+ Kh7-g8

41.e5-e6 Kg8-h8

42.e6-e7 Ba3xe7

42.Qf5-f7 Ba3-d6

43.e6-e7 Qa6-d3+

44.Kb3-a4 Qd3-a3+

45.Ka4-b5 Qa3-a6#

43.Kb3-c3 Qa6-a3+

44.Kc3-d4 Qa3xh3

45.e6-e7 Qh3xg4+

46.Kd4-d5 Qg4-d1+

47.Kd5-e6 Qd1-b3+

48.Ke6xd6 Qb3xf7

47.Kd5-e4 Qd1-e2+

48.Ke4-f5 Qe2-f3+

49.Kf5-e6 Qf3-b3+

The window froze here, but by the position, i know i lost.

The opening worked semi-deciently, however, if against an experienced HUMAN chess player, things may have looked alot worse for me, may have. The chess computer i faced looks only 7 moves ahead, as opposed to my friends, whos looks 14 moves ahead. The thing that upsets me is that i definatly could have drawn that game!!


ludamad 18 years, 10 months ago

Im on AIM now.

mariobros42 18 years, 10 months ago

chess is cool.

BuniSuitClassix 18 years, 9 months ago

Ill keep an eye out for you on aim, what's your sn?

ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago

Ciribot, I'll get on.

BuniSuitClassix 18 years, 9 months ago

I had fun getting owned ^^

Eternal 18 years, 9 months ago

I'm sorry, but what?