Site live, working on tutorials, bringing LISA back...

Posted by Carlos508 on Jan. 29, 2011, 1:34 p.m.

Finally finished work on the site for my competition. No real content on it other than the rules right now. But it's live so thats a plus!

I'm going to start working on some courses for my OITS project. I know you guys here don't have any use for it, but the newbies at yoyo hopefully would…although I had to add "GMK to Flash" in the WIP to attract more attention, haven't really gotten any replies in about a week and that gets to be pretty unmotivating after all the work I put in.

Aaaaand bringing back LISA, the project I was working before the deployment. I'm combining it with lego mindstorms to create a conversational robot…powered through GM of course :D I think what I'll be doing this time is connecting the program to JabberWacky or another chatbot program, and then sending out the lipsync and emotion code to the robot to allow it to interact with the person.

Oh, and I'm thinking of putting a yoda mask over the head of the robot…to give it some added realism - as real as yoda can get anyways :P


oh yea, and setting up a minecraft account tonight :)


aeron 14 years ago

Nice to see you're bringing back LISA. At uni I'm doing research on AI using neural networks so I'm pretty interested in how this project goes!

On another note, I have an extra alpha gift code for minecraft if you're interested

Carlos508 14 years ago

Ya im def signing up tonight at around 2200 (its 1630 now) I'm not really sure what the alpha gift code is. I'm sure after i log in for the first time that in about 2 or 3 days I'll know everything I'll need to know…while losing all my friends lol

aeron 14 years ago

Gift codes are basically like buying an extra serial number for the game. You can send it to someone to sign up with and they get the game free. I bought one when minecraft was still in alpha so it gives you an "alpha" account which basically guarantees free updates for life (notch decided to change that policy when beta came out but it's kinda "ex post facto")

Carlos508 14 years ago

ya man I'm def interested! Would I have to do anything special to log into the minecraft server here? I hear a lot of people talk about being "white listed"

Carlos508 14 years ago

logging in…

colseed 14 years ago

Yeah, you have to talk to Stevenup to get on the server whitelist (though there might be other people, I'm just not sure who they are :P ).

Otherwise it tells you to GTFO. : /

JID 14 years ago

It pisses me off that I have to start all over. ;_;

colseed 14 years ago


Yeah, it did a similar thing to me the first couple times I tried logging on lol…

I find starting over kind of fun actually, but that's probably just me. :/

You made a house yet JID?

Carlos508 14 years ago

starting over? so you level up? i actually have no idea what its like…maybe i should watch some youtube vids while i wait

colseed 14 years ago

There's no leveling up per say - it's just that the server was reset/modified yesterday so that there's a new area where everyone starts (the "survival" area).

And Youtube vids can help a lot when starting out - I think there's a few links on the Minecraft site, but there's also a guy Seananners who did a number of good introductory MC vids.