Site live, working on tutorials, bringing LISA back...

Posted by Carlos508 on Jan. 29, 2011, 1:34 p.m.

Finally finished work on the site for my competition. No real content on it other than the rules right now. But it's live so thats a plus!

I'm going to start working on some courses for my OITS project. I know you guys here don't have any use for it, but the newbies at yoyo hopefully would…although I had to add "GMK to Flash" in the WIP to attract more attention, haven't really gotten any replies in about a week and that gets to be pretty unmotivating after all the work I put in.

Aaaaand bringing back LISA, the project I was working before the deployment. I'm combining it with lego mindstorms to create a conversational robot…powered through GM of course :D I think what I'll be doing this time is connecting the program to JabberWacky or another chatbot program, and then sending out the lipsync and emotion code to the robot to allow it to interact with the person.

Oh, and I'm thinking of putting a yoda mask over the head of the robot…to give it some added realism - as real as yoda can get anyways :P


oh yea, and setting up a minecraft account tonight :)


JID 14 years ago


No, I didn't make a house yet. I keep ragequitting 2 minutes after I join.


@Carlos no you can't level up.

colseed 14 years ago


Well, if you ever need shelter, I started a little hidden base in a hill across the bridge next to spawn. :P

It's got its own little bay too.

JID 14 years ago


I think that's the place where I ragequitted last time. :P

colseed 14 years ago


Did it have squid nearby?

JID 14 years ago

I dunno lol.

But is it like a castle with three torches in the middle of it with a chest on the second floor?

Carlos508 14 years ago

wow i saw the first vid, looks addicting :(

I think i'll play single player to get the hang of it until i get whitelisted

colseed 14 years ago


No, mine's hidden away in the side of a tiny cliff (hill) face with a window overlooking the water.

Unless someone went in and modified it….lol, I'll have to go on a bit later to check.


Oh, it is.

At first it seems utterly pointless, but then imagination takes over. :D

Carlos508 14 years ago

wow i saw the first vid, looks addicting :(