Silly 64D Users [Kilin]
Seriously, you guys are idiots. You're giving my sister a bad time because you think she's me or some other guy. After the Ronnica incident, I understand the latter, but seriously, how stupid do you think I am?
If I were to create a duplicate account, would I say I …Idiocy of 64Digits Users
You don't see much like this from me, so here you go.
Seriously, this whole bit over Ronnica is stupid. You guys need to grow up or get a life, or both, instead of worrying about someone else YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. Who cares if her hits were bumped up? …Kilin's Hatelist
NOTE that because you're on here, I don't necessarily hate you.
See…I don't hate anyone. I love all users, no matter what they do or how they react. Every user has some good in him/her.Yeah, screw that. ON TO THE LIST.ESA - You're funny because you nitpick at …Lixie meme
I really have no idea how you guys turned lixies into a meme. I mean here I am talking about a life simulation, pretty realistic as far as other worlds go, and you guys turn it into a mindless, pointless, SENSELESS chant. Not that I hate lixies being sort of …
How well do you know LODM?
So I have made a quiz for all of you hotshots out there. How well do you think you know Legend of the Dark Moon?
All of the questions on here have been answered before, so UNLIKE Kenon's PLatformed quiz, this is a little more fair. There are only two …DF is funny.
can make blog [Kilin]
No specific blog topic here. Not much progress has been made, so feel free to give me a hit and run away like a little bunny.
Silly bunnies.Well, I've had more rotten luck on asking people out, yet I don't hate myself or feel too terrible. It wasn't too …GrillCopterRonniBound
Not gonna tag my blog this time. Silly little trends. I just need to blog moar.
Let's start with a lovely picture.

CFL Update List 2 [Kilin]
ALL RIGHT! Let's get started with my next update list.
CFL Update List 2
Throwing PhysicsNow you can pick up and throw objects, including cups, fruit, eggs, and much more. When you throw or drop cups, they will break, and unfortunately, so will eggs. If an egg is below …CFL Update List 1 [Kilin]
Unfortunately, this list isn't very long, but it's a list nonetheless, and let me just tell you…
YOU GUYS NEED TO BLOG MOAR. It took two days to push my last blog off of the front page. <_<Anyway, here's a brief list of updates.