Friction? OH NOEZ! [Kilin/64B]

Posted by Castypher on Nov. 9, 2007, 12:37 p.m.

Could it be true? Yes, that dreaded platform friction you get in SNES Mario games is coming to Lixies Adventures! Be sure to greet and treat it as you would a guest in your house.

I laugh at your misfortune.

No, the friction is there, not only for realism, but also for skill and strategy. Of course, if I deem it unnecessary, I'll take it out altogether.

On the good side, collisions are enormously improved, thanks to Andes' platform engine. Slopes for well now, too. Prepare for release someday soon. =P

I still only have a few levels designed, but I just got back into LA. Whaa…? What happened to my other projects? I'm hard at work on 64Brawl, but when I get tired of it, I resort to Lixies Adventures. However, I will not start on Caring for Lixies again until I can complete 64Brawl to a point of being playable online.

And that's the next portion, online. Soon, you guys will be able to play as little ST men shooting the senses out of each other. Wait a second, that sounds familiar…

No other characters have been confirmed yet, and I apologize for that. I'm having some AI issues, you see. So, with these issues comes a vote. Cast your votes to determine the soonest release date!

<font size="2" color="blue">Where should the AI appear in 64Brawl?</font><font color="green"><ol>

<li>Single-Player ONLY………………………………………………….3</li>

<li>Multiplayer ONLY…………………………………………………….0</li>

<li>BOTH single and multiplayer……………………………………..3</li>

<li>NEITHER! Scrap AI and get the game out to the public!…….0</li>


So, take a vote. YOU are deciding the quality and release date here. Let me sway your vote a little…

<font color="green">OPTION 1:</font> Already completed. This allows for the game to be released very soon. There will only be as many players as there are users. No more. This is my current option.

<font color="green">OPTION 2:</font> I have to adapt the coded to multiplayer and take out lots of code. It's my least liked option. Besides that, it will take forever to make the sending and such.

<font color="green">OPTION 3:</font> This will take the longest, but it will allow for you to have the best experience in-game. You can play with friends and computers, or by yourself against other computers. This is the favored option.

<font color="green">OPTION 4:</font> You're suggesting that the game is solely for playing with friends, as ST was. No other competition besides real players will be available. No other options for game modes will exist. Single-player will be taken out entirely, and concentration will be focused on online gameplay. This is the simplest option with lots of code deletion.

I hope that helped clear things up. Go ahead and vote. The fate of the game is in your hands…or not. We'll see.

As far as LODM goes, nothing has progressed but shading on terrain, and some buildings. Screenshots? No.

Oh, and if you got to my last blog concerning music, here is some I finished for LODM. It will be used to a boss of some kind. This took me two days and it was a remake. The past version you can find in my last blog.

<center><a href="" alt="My File!"><img src=" of the Dark Moon.mp3.png" border="0" /></a></center>

That's all from me for now.

Peace out,



poultry 17 years, 2 months ago

you won't get 3 to work, lol

Graydon 17 years, 2 months ago

1 or 3, but if you cant get AI to work in multi player go with single player AI.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago

@Arc: If you're bored with V3, you have another option. It's all your choice on what you feel like workin on. Your help would be appreciated, but there's no pressure. If you have MSN, add me:

@Obel: You've got my MSN. Drop me a line sometime. I'd love to have your characters in, but don't make them too good or you'll make everything else look bad.

@ChIkEn: Oh, we'll see. It's a simple matter of sending x and y positions, but I've had suggestions to let the clients run their own AI and check back with the host.

Kairos 17 years, 2 months ago

Not sure what to give you in terms of sprites. Maybe I'll just ditch the idea…

poultry 17 years, 2 months ago

@Kilin, its more than you think.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago

@Kairos: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Making a ship as a battler would be too interesting. =(

@ChIkEn: Yeah, I understand what I'm going up against. Even people with experience in online can tell it'll be a problem.

I know how much data has to be sent, but for now, I won't worry about it. I have to get the online portion *period* set up first. Later, I'll worry about AI. It's actually holding me back right now. But this weekend, like you, I'll need people to test my online engine.

LoserHands 17 years, 2 months ago

1 first, release the game, then update later with 3.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago

Sounds like a plan. It's planned for hopeful alpha release tomorrow.

s 17 years, 2 months ago

Kilin, I've been advising you on how to revamp the system for easier extending with the AI and things

If you do 1 first and then 3, you'll have more work in the end than if you would just do a more generic method that works for both

PY 17 years, 2 months ago

You deleted my comment :-(