$1200 is broken. ;( [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on Nov. 27, 2007, 11:11 a.m.

Yesterday, a very terrible tragedy befell me. My basement has a concrete floor, right? I had set my laptop down inside the bag with the zipper undone. Pro came by to pick it up, didn't notice, and…

<font size="6">BANG</font>

No visible cracks, oh no. But the thing won't even start up again. It'll get to loading Windows, flash blue, and restart, attempting to fix some hardware error.

I contacted the manufacturer for support. (Dell, btw)

Lemme clear this up. I know many people hate Dell, but don't post any crap about how much it sucks right now. It was a good model (Inspiron 1521), brand new when I got it, and completely secret before release with the exception of some hardware companies, such as my uncle's, from whom I learned of this. It's a very nice laptop with no issues and…

<font size="6">VISTA!</font>

So I made an awezom choice by doing what I did and I'm not ashamed of it.

By the way, STFU Flashback. >:(

And I could've waited until Black Friday to get a much cheaper compputer, but Acers were common, and for the record…

Acer isn't quite top-notch, but it's cheap.

<font size="6">GUESS WHAT THIS MEANS?</font>

All of my games are hereby postponed for at least a week. I paid $120 for the accidental damage warranty and contacted support. It'll take about 7 business days for them to get it back, and add the time it takes for them to ship me the box that I have to send it in…

Hopefully I will lose nothing. If I do, then I will have a terrible breakdown and not get into GM for a while.

On better news, you might have noticed somebody on MSN going around under peoples' identities (minus the email). Pacman, that was me, not Josh@Dreamland. <_<

And it's a script…

That being said,

Peace out,



Lapixx 17 years, 2 months ago

Vista is alright? Like you said, its eating everyones RAM… and the inteerface is a duplicate of Mac OS X….

Beside that, nothing has changed, and everything is full of bugs…

Back to Killin: Too bad this happend, but hey, what can you do about it now eh?

NoodleNog 17 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Kilin
Acer isn't quite top-notch
But Dell is? haha!

Quote: PY
I'd have reccomened geting an ubuntu-liveCD to check if it was windows, or your computer.
Obviously his computer, he said he got a hardware error.

Quote: BG
Probably banged up the HDD pretty bad.
He must have done more than that to get windows to throw a hardware error.

SoberMilk 17 years, 2 months ago

Christ, I hate Laptops, but that is very unfortunate. Many people hate Dell!? Dell is fantastic! Siemans is bad, Acer is bad but Dell is good! (Im talking about in the UK, these companys may be better in other countrys or something, I dont know…)

Omega_Squid 17 years, 2 months ago

I already lost a crapload of GM files a couple of months back when windows screwed me over…

I lost the editables of Roboto Assault and The Adventures of Starie, not to mention many others… ='(

Oh well, I hope you can get most of your important stuff back (If you lost any)

Dell is s'okay, my dad has an old inspiron (about 3 years old) and it's still chugging along fine.

I prefer HP though

KaBob799 17 years, 2 months ago

Vista does not drain my RAM =D

I only has 512

s 17 years, 2 months ago

I backup things on 64D

Oh wait…that backup is less secure than a hooker's virginity

F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

you should get ultim8p00 to help you with 64brawl. I think your the one doing it at least, and he's amazing at fighting engines.

poultry 17 years, 2 months ago


Josea 17 years, 2 months ago

That's why you should be careful with expensive toys. If I had a laptop, and I broke it, my parents would rip off my head.

s 17 years, 2 months ago

Josea happens to be the HeadlessHorseman, so he has nothing to fear besides communists