Sending Laptop in, See you Laters [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on July 14, 2008, 12:44 p.m.

First blog in a few months. The last two were funny.

So yeah, just as the title says, I'm sending my laptop in for final repairs so I'll be good for at least another year. In this time, I will not be available online, so don't look for me, and please don't complain.

If you have added me as an MSN contact, you may find that I've been doing serious work on Lixies Arena. I've got a working online engine down, and I'm fairly confident that I can begin actual gameplay.

So, this being said, I may as well mention that I'm downgrading from Vista to XP. Why? Mostly because Vista takes up most of my RAM and running different things on it will often restrict use of the computer. It won't be for long at all, but I'll only downgrade when I'm sure I can work on GM7 games on XP, so I'll either need to convert them to GM6 or buy a new license.

Before you give me any more crap about Dell or Vista, let me point out that Dell and DHL have extremely fast work and delivery times, and I already have two out of three replacement parts for my computer, though I called two days ago. All I need to do now is get the LCD replaced and I'll be good to go.

Vista-wise, I still like it, but until I get a memory expansion, it's holding me back. I may not downgrade at all if I'm accepted to one of the jobs I applied for. After my laptop gets back, I'll work on upgrading a bit.

Final bit of news. I'm playing Fiesta on my spare time, so if anyone wants to play, give me a call.

Kilin, signing out for a few days.


SixWinged 16 years, 3 months ago

Contact Softwrap about GM7, I've formatted countless times and had to email them, they don't take too long to respond either.

PY 16 years, 3 months ago

Josea, you didn't see anything.

shawn, I guess you're not a PC gamer? It comes with it, really. Plus I find them interesting, I guess it's just like anything else, some people don't :(

F13 :D