A Survey for You Gamers

Posted by Castypher on Jan. 8, 2010, 11:04 a.m.

So I'm taking an introductory class to game design, and out first assignment is to hold a little survey. Help Kilin out and complete this for me. You can do it all in a comment box.

There are five questions total. If you consent, I'd prefer if you gave me your name as well (either through a private message or


F1ak3r 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: David Yates

1. Yes. Depends on if I've got a new game to play or not. If so, maybe 4/5 hours a day. If not, half an hour (ColumnsX or something to relieve stress).

2. Here are my top 5:

- The Half-Life series are cool FPSes. I like them because they're nicely paced and have excellent NPCs.

- Iji is a phenomenal platformer. The large levels, the allowance for different playstyles and the many secrets appeal to me. Also, great hacking minigame.

- ColumnsX is a game I could come back to every day for the rest of my life. Whenever I need to relax, or have a new CD to listen to, I start it up.

- Red Alert 2 was one of the first games I ever played. I prefer its super-linear progression to the "do it in any order" of C&C3's mission structure. The missions felt more important, and each one had a proper intro cutscene. Apart from that, I like my strategy games to let me concentrate on offense and defence rather than gathering ten different resources.

- Sim City 4 is the game I play when I want to manage ten different resources, so to speak. =)

3. I play Solitaire and Chess, sometimes Majhong, but I play the ones that come with Windows, so I don't know if that counts as "non-video games".

4. I really couldn't say.

5. That's a tough one. I have fond memories of playing CS, FarCry or Age Of Empires III with friends at LANs. The times we declared knife wars and someone took out a gun. The time I headshotted someone with the machine gun while climbing a ladder. The time one guy got his settlement wiped out and spent the rest of the game building this insane maze of walls, which took us forever to weed the other team out of. Good times.

Mat 14 years, 9 months ago

1. Yes, about 3 hours a week including Wii fit routines.

2.I don't really have a favourite game… The ones in particular that shone above the rest would be Rayman 2 and the Naughty Dog games. Excellent Story telling and originality it the only way you could get me interested. I guess they'd be better if they lasted longer.

3. Not really, I wouldn't say I could spend so much time a week on them but on the rare occasion that I play its usually for a couple of hours in one go.

4.Charades are fun although they get boring fast and people aren't willing to do a special variation of it. Like miming a name of an actor or simply describing a film by acting out predominant events.

5. When I first got Uncharted 2 I remember finding each part of it amazing. When I play it back sometimes the memorys benefit the gameplay.

My name should be fairly straightforward.

frenchcon1 14 years, 9 months ago

1. Yes, I have no idea, and i've only just got an xbauks so shush

2. Borderlands because it's entertaining and i don't think doesn't take itself too seriously. IT COULD NOT BE MORE FUN.

3. Lol yus, at least equal to or more than my video games

4. Climbing because… iunnolol

5. iunno lol

Kaz 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: Jason Kaczmarsky

1. Yes. At least 2 hours a day lately.

2. Ratchet and Clank series. Easy to learn, fun action game with varying gameplay which changes based on how you want to play.

3. Less than 1 hour a week.

4. I like Monopoly and am learning Magic slowly. It's just a different feeling when playing those games. I do miss seeing what I'm doing though(like attacking in Magic, I wish I had a screen to see what was going on).

5. Anytime from when I was a kid with my PS1. I would sit in my room all day playing games during vacation. The ones I remember most are the Crash Bandicoot and Twisted Metal series. Also the original Age of Empires took a lot of my time. I feel like I've lost interest in games somewhat as I can't sit and play every game for hours like I used to. I feel as though I have more constructive things to do and I go do them.

Josea 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: Jose Goncalves

1. Yes. I don't really count how many hours I play, usually when I decide to play one I stay between 30min to >2 hours.

2. Simcity 4 for the win! I like city building games, I like to manage stuff and see how everything interacts and grows. It could be even more fun if it allowed you to do even more things (guess that's what most mods do anyways). City building games rule, other two I like are Pharaoh and Anno 1404.

3. Not much, only when boredom approaches infinity.

4. Magic The Gathering cards, too bad my friends don't play anymore. It is fun because, huh, dunno, maybe because it is nice to summon monsters and such?

5. I loved when I used to play Magic with my friends at school, good times.,

flashback 14 years, 9 months ago

You have a survey for gamers in which you ask if they play games.


Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

Pipe down, Flashback. I didn't make up the questions, my professor did.

For everyone else, thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it.

eagly 14 years, 9 months ago

1. Yes. Probably between 12 and 18 hours a week.

2. Final Fantasy 7. Excellent story, revolutionary in its time. It couldn't be any more fun.

3. Yes. Probably between 3 and 6 hours a week.

4. Monopoly. It's very competitive and brings out the worst in people. Maybe if they supplied weapons with the game so people could kill eachother. Then again, that's probably illegal.

5. The awesome bit in FF7 when Cloud comes in on the motorcycle and does a skid. I used to re-enact it all the time on my bike. Yes, I am actually that cool.

Cesar 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: Cesar Garza

1) Yep. 4 hours a day.

2) TF2. It's an exceptionally good multiplayer game that is just so addicting.

3) Yes, I play cards quite often at school. Probably about 2 hours a day.

4) I love playing Taboo and Scrabble. They're really fun to play with friends/siblings. I don't think they're really games that can be more fun since the fun is derived from who you're around :)

5) Beating Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time when I was 8. It was the best achievement I had done up to that time and I am still proud of it. To this day, with every playthrough of Ocarina I do, I can't understand HOW I figured out to pass X temple as an 8 year old. My sister is 9 and puts down the controller about 4 minutes into the Great Deku Tree.

mesenberg 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: David Mesenbrink (yes u can hunt me down and kill me if u want.)

1. Yes, maybe 3 hrs per week, I find them a waste of life…

2. Gears of War 2! Its just awesome with the great gameplay! saws on my gun! headstomping! great visuals! its got it all!

3. I hold my own in table games, but I really don't play them often at all, why do they have to be table games? I don't play very often cause they take a long time and get boring really fast.

4. Poker is the best, just cause of the risk factor and short rounds keep the game fresh.

5. I think playing gears of war with my cousin we had some dang good times!