A Survey for You Gamers

Posted by Castypher on Jan. 8, 2010, 11:04 a.m.

So I'm taking an introductory class to game design, and out first assignment is to hold a little survey. Help Kilin out and complete this for me. You can do it all in a comment box.

There are five questions total. If you consent, I'd prefer if you gave me your name as well (either through a private message or


Arcalyth 14 years, 9 months ago

Alex Riebs, administrator of a small game development community, provides the following answers:

1. Do you play video games? If so, how many hours do you play? If not, why don't you play video games?

I do play video games, for at least five or more hours per day.

2. If you play video games, what is your favorite video game? Why is it fun? How could it be more fun?

My favorite video game that I own is Rock Band, because I love music and it's great while socializing. It could be more fun by allowing multiple people to play one instrument (ala Guitar Hero 5) and with a larger song selection (solved by DLC).

3. Do you play non-video games (board games, cards, charades, etc, sports don't count)? If so, how many hours a week do you play non-video games? If not, why don't you play non-video games?

I don't play non-video games because I do not have a vested interest in them. Occasionally when with friends I do play games such as tag and whatnot.

4. If you play non-video games, what is your favorite non-video game to play? Why is it fun? How could it be more fun?

Any kind of pretend or competitive play is fun, as it stretches the imagination or allows for friendly sport.

5. What is your best memory from playing a game (any type, video or non-video)? How does this memory make you feel when you reflect upon it?

My favorite non-video game memory would be playing capture the flag with upward of 16 kids around the neighborhood while I was growing up. Great times.

PY 14 years, 9 months ago

Yes, depends. If I've got plenty of free time, an hour or so a day on weekdays, several on weekends.

Depends when you ask me, and what your definition of videogame is. At the moment, probably modded fallout 3, but do modded games count? It's certainly far from vanilla. All time, probably hl2. It's fun because it is.

No, because they take effort.

I already said I don't.

Probably walking out into the open for the first time in hl2 - incredible.

PY 14 years, 9 months ago

Oh, and name: Andrew

marbs 14 years, 9 months ago

1. Yes, maybe 10 to 20 hours a week, but it varies quite a lot with whether I feel like playing certain games and whether I have the free time.

2. I don't have a favourite, but the one I've played the most is TF2. It's fun because each game is generally different, and it's quite addicting.

3. Not very often, but I do enjoy board games such as Monopoly, though there seems to be too much luck in board games, which makes them quite frustrating. A good balanced board game is Settlers of Catan, since there's quite a lot of strategy in it mixed in with luck.

4. Settlers of Catan, and Monopoly. See answer above.

5. Completing Super Mario World, I found that final boss battle so hard (but now I can do it quite easily). On a par with this is probably when I completed Ocarina of Time.

Zaron 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: Sam Boyd

(oh noes not info I put all over the interwebs!)

1. My hours vary depending on other responsibilities, but the fact I play them is basically invariable.

2. I'm bad at picking favorites. I'm that weird kid that loves Wind Waker, tho, boat sailing and all, even if that bit gets a little tedious at times. Beyond Good & Evil falls in a similar boat, and for both games I wouldn't have minded them being a good bit longer. I think third goes to the Disgaea franchise, as I like my games to have a good sense of humor but not be too overly predictable, which the first game nailed and the others… well, the others keep the humor, at least.

3. I don't play them often as anything relying on a dice tends to shaft me. I'm down for the occasional game of Blokus or Sequence, though. You might even be able to talk me into Battleship or something.

4. I think Blokus is awesome, but way too easy with only two people. I wish the games could go on longer and have a little more strategy to them than they already do, but since it's meant to be a kids' game I guess I can only expect so much.

5. Pretty much any time I've finished an RPG. I own tons of the things, but they tend to lose my interest before reaching the end. Bonus points if the RPG doesn't star Mario, as there's been one exception to me finishing those. I've never finished a numbered Final Fantasy, and if I can ever pull that off without gouging my eyes out I think that'll top all the others at this point.

Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

1. Yes. Too many hours, but changes quite often. If I work for a day I only get in about 2 hours or so, no work than I'm probably hanging out with friends which could mean video games all day/night or just hanging out and a small amount of video games… At least 12 hours a week.

2. Hard to say, I love the Jak and Daxter series (the ones made by naughty dog) And Uncharted 2 rocks. I'm sorta a naughty dog fan. Oh and Warhawk. I seriously have never spent so much time on a game, I've must have played that game non stop for more than a year at least, it has to be one of my top favorites.

3. D&D. But rarely, only when my friends are back from their universities…

4. I don't know whats my favorite, all I can say is it would be months between when I play it.

5. I went over to a relative's house and they were playing video games, I sat down and played with them, this was pretty much the first time I had ever played them (I was in first grade?) anyways I destroyed them all, I loved it, ever since I've been obsessed with video games. When I reflect upon it it makes me want to play games with my friends. (I'll pm name)

SteveKB 14 years, 9 months ago


1.I do, about 0-10hours average 1-2hours.

2.right now I'm playing a game called eufloria but that's only the demo. I occasionally come back to COD4 PC because it is superior to MW2 in all aspects. Oh yeah about eufloria it is fun because it's a rts where I'm a flower and I use my baby seeds to kill other flower colonies. as for COD4 it's better on the PC because of it's superior servers and graphix and player maxes also mods are good. for COD4 to be more fun i'd like there to be more maps or more communication with other teammates. also lag must be extinguished since although it isn't as prevelant for me since I go on servers with the least lag other players log on and have lag and that's not good, however this problem will only be solved with a universal increase in information transfer rates.

3.not really… I play solitare or spider solitar on the computer at some times… does that count? I don't play them because we don't have any.


5.beating spyro …. so good *tear*

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

I'd like to thank everyone who took the survey. You've all been very helpful, and I think this should be enough.

If you have questions regarding why I asked for your names, I'll answer them right here, since I had someone contact me about that already.

I've been in this class for only a week now (this class is Tuesday/Thursday), so I don't know what the professor expects. For the assignment I turn in, I won't include names, but if he needs them after all, at least I'll be able to retrieve them quickly.

Again, thanks for the replies. I expected to get this halfway done over the weekend, not the whole thing in less than a day.

panzercretin 14 years, 9 months ago

Name: Noah Eadie

1. Yes. For years I've played hours a day, but not so much anymore, maybe a half-hour to an hour nowadays.

2. I have TONS of favorites, but one that's stuck in my mind the most is Phantom Dust. It's an action game that treats attacks and moves a bit like cards in a sense. It's fun because there were so many different moves to collect (about 250 excluding the Xbox Live ones), and although some were more useful than others, there was no one trump, and essentially any one of them could be a gamebreaker if used correctly. The storyline and everything was fantastic, and I almost cried when I watched the end cutscene (one of the few that I watched twice in a row intentionally, simply to watch it again). The only thing that could have possibly made it more fun would perhaps be more missions and harder enemies later on, once you collect more-or-less every move. That, and backwards-compatibility that didn't lag miserably during combat.[[you can shorten this one if you want, I can understand]]

3. Occasionally I play board games, or the pen-and-paper kinds (tic-tac-toe, the one where you connect dots on a grid to make squares, this one where you take turns filling in regions in a map with different colors and not have the same one touching in adjacent regions), but not nearly as much as I play videogames. I'd play TCG's, except for the fact that most seem to throw balance out the window by simply making uber-powerful cards that are really just a matter of money.

4. I really don't have a favorite, personally.

5. As I have said, the ending to Phantom Dust was one of my favorite moments, which made me genuinely feel both sad and happy at the same time: happy for the closure, sad for how it was brought in the end. That, and when I first started Painkiller: Hell Wars. At first I just thought it was a mediocre, small-fry dime-a-dozen shooter. What I ended up getting was an 8-hour adrenaline rushthat I'll never forget, even if the game isn't still as fun anymore for me.

eagly 14 years, 9 months ago

Oh, my name is Matt Pearce.