A Survey for You Gamers

Posted by Castypher on Jan. 8, 2010, 11:04 a.m.

So I'm taking an introductory class to game design, and out first assignment is to hold a little survey. Help Kilin out and complete this for me. You can do it all in a comment box.

There are five questions total. If you consent, I'd prefer if you gave me your name as well (either through a private message or


PY 14 years, 9 months ago

That's Matt S Pearce to you!

Nathan 14 years, 9 months ago

1. Yes. Probably play around 1-5 hours a week.

2. LittleBigPlanet. It is fun as a main focus of the game is the players creativity. It is open ended and can be 'experienced' in completely different ways depending on what the player likes. One other main reason it's fun is because its multiplayer, the things you create can be shared, and experienced with other people, localy or over the internet, giving creations more value.

Quakelive would be my other favorite game. Again, the experience can be (almost has to be) shared with other players over the internet. Fast action game play with what seems to be an endless learning curve, you can always be better, always something new to learn.

The main thing these two games have in common for me that really makes me play them in their 'jump in and play' attitude they have. You don't have to dedicate a large amount of time to the game each time you play it, if you got a few minutes spare and feel like playing a game these two are great. I have trouble keeping interested in one game for a long time, so any game that requires a large pay of time from the player almost always loses my attention, as starting seems too overwhelming.

3.occasionally/rarely (Unless you count drinking games). Maybe once every 6 or so months. They almost always require multiable players and is often hard to find enough people interested to play them.

4. Articulate. Because I suck at it.

5. The best memories I have are almost always ones shared with other players locally. Makes the experience more human?

EDIT: opps read you had enough, ah well!

Cesque 14 years, 9 months ago

Pipe down, Flashback. I didn't make up the questions, my professor did.

But you did choose the targets for the survey :P

Scott_AW 14 years, 9 months ago

1) Rarely, maybe an hour or two a week, not counting testing my own stuff.

2) Currently, Plants vs. Zombies, last time…um…

3) I play with my wife and older kid, kiddy board games. Wee. Otherwise its been awhile. If I did have the time/desire, Magic cards, Mancala(shout it!), Life, Monopoly, Risk(don't have, but always liked)

4) I like Mancala. You always can find time for Mancala.

5) I still have a soft spot for Daggerfall and the endless hours wasted exploring its vastness. Everything else Bethsoft has put out after it just got smaller and less cool. If you ignore the graphic factor, they became less fun to play as well.

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

But you did choose the targets for the survey :P
Given the small time bracket and the fact that there are few people (besides people I don't know or have no affiliation with whatsoever), this was the best idea.

Not everyone on 64D is a gamer. The comment that Flashback provided was unnecessary. The blog title may have said otherwise, but it was merely to attract people, rather than something silly like: