Kilin Jumps Off a Bridge

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 30, 2010, 9:43 p.m.

Take that, bandwagon.

Everyone's seen my face before. If not, you're not missing out. I just don't have a camera or anything to take a picture more recent than six months ago. Yes, I'm that cheap. I prefer to spend my money on video games. And rent. Goddammit.

In other news, I got Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals today. Heard of Lufia 2 for the SNES? One of my favorite RPGs of all time. This one's a remake, basically. But at the same time, not really.

The basic story and the characters are the same (though they apparently think blue hair needed to be replaced, too bad too). Other characters were changed a bit (I see one has breasts the size of her head). The details of the story, like when and where things happened, are quite different. It feels like a new game already.

The biggest change was in the combat system. It used to be turn-based. It is now real-time. I love it so far. And what I love most is that they kept the music that made me love this game so much.

If you haven't heard of it (likely the majority of you), then I hope you are poisoned by a deadly neurotoxin.

While I was at GameStop buying, I also reserved Donkey Kong Country Returns, and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Yes, I play WoW. I'm proud of it too. Flame me. If you didn't know I played WoW, you were obviously born yesterday, because I played six months ago and only recently got back into it.

But it's a pretty cool game, bro. Except all the nerdragers and kids. Those come with every game though. League of Legends included. It's why I stopped playing. Sorry, Ferret. =(

However, I forgot to reserve Rune Factory 3. I doubt you've heard of that either, but Rune Factory is a great (although very cliche) RPG/farm/dating/life sim. Probably my favorite franchise right now.

To top it off, here's another screenshot. I hope to be showing something new every blog. But this is only half new. In it is a slightly modified HUD, a new boss pattern, and a few other things. Right now I think I'll cap off with two other party members rather than three.

Last, there are some serious consistency issues. Text placement and fonts on my laptop are completely different than where I usually work on a Mac with Windows on it. Might be that Vista Home Basic doesn't have the same font package. Either way, I'll need to find them again. Because right now it just looks bad.

Consistency issues include things like drawing, not just fonts. It's really annoying.

Also, I'm working on a new shoot-em-up. Nothing to say about it.


Rob 13 years, 11 months ago

Did anyone else read "Mauvaise" as "Mayonaise"?

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

That would be my font failure. After reinstalling Windows, I can't get things to match up like they should. Just know that it'll appear differently on your computer.

Majatek 13 years, 11 months ago

There's a way to keep fonts with your game.

I know of a way, but hardly anyone else does - so it looks like I'll have to write a tutorial…

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

Do it man. It'll really be useful since I work on multiple computers.

Mush 13 years, 11 months ago

Hmm, never played Lufia. DLing right now.

Looking forward to playing your game, btw.

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

You'll have a lot of hours if you stick with Lufia. It can be a pretty challenging game.

I'll have another demo out after fixing up the HUD and getting some of her animations in. Right now she doesn't really do much while casting, as you can see.

But I'm glad someone's showing a bit of interest. Even Rob, for at least looking at it.

Astryl 13 years, 11 months ago

In other news, I got Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals today. Heard of Lufia 2 for the SNES? One of my favorite RPGs of all time. This one's a remake, basically. But at the same time, not really.

I have the original Lufia cartridges in a box somewhere. Loved those games. Also, I played Curse of the Sinistrals, and it's a completely different style of game (The story is different too, though only marginally).

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

It certainly keeps surprising me. Still feels like I'm playing a whole different game. The familiar characters (though some have changed quite a bit), are what keep me playing this one longer than the GBA version did. That and the new combat system is pretty fun.