I Would Like to See....

Posted by Castypher on Jan. 27, 2011, 11:18 a.m.

…The ability to upload MP3 files to my file manager.

64Digits has this neat Flash player now, and I'd love to use it rather than putting up my files for download. But I can't get the thing to work, since most file hosting sites I've seen use a YouTube style (some code instead of the direct file path) URL.

How can we solve this? Allow specific music file uploading to 64Digits. That'd be pretty sweet.

Now for some updates.

Everyone and their stuffed cat plays League of Legends.

On yet another note, what is with this Minecraft obsession? It looks like a horribly boring game except for the fact that it's multiplayer, and since I haven't played a multiplayer 64Digits game since Sapphire Tears, it's starting to sound pretty appealing about now. So convince me to drop some money on it.

Some Anime

And for a bit of randomness, I finished an interesting little anime called Shuffle! a couple weeks ago. I don't know why. Probably because my brother and his girlfriend said it was funny. And indeed it was. But also very naked. And that's no fun, because I couldn't watch it at work.


Terminys is on hold while I struggle with my classes. Getting into your major classes is a big step up in difficulty. I've got project management, discrete math (shh), intro to C++, and PC (hardware) fundamentals. It's not fun.

Big Long Section of Terminys Updates

As far as Terminys goes, I've taken all of the suggestions that the whole of two people gave me, and I'm changing up the combat system a bit. Here are the additions:

- Bosses will now have DBM-styled warnings (for those familiar with the WoW addon). This is basically a big alert that tells what the boss is about to do, and gives a brief hint as to how to pass it.

- Anyone who finishes the game will unlock Hero Mode, a much more difficult and expanded version of the original playthrough. Hero Mode incorporates new boss mechanics, more difficult enemies and puzzles, and some slight turns in the story.

- Passing Hero Mode will unlock the ability to play as five side characters in their stories that are relevant to the main plot.

- Clearing all of the side stories will unlock a Final Stage, which has you switch off between several playable characters (much like in Sonic Adventure 2), and lets you fight one final, extra, and difficult boss.

- The spell system is being revamped. Each levelup will allow you to enhance your spells, increasing their range and power, or decreasing their cost and cast time. Cesque made the point that some spells were very powerful but made you pay with the cast time.

And This is Where You Suggest Shit

I'd like the bosses to be the main feature of the combat. That would mean they'd need to be difficult. But difficult bosses tend to be annoying to attempt after a game over screen. Seeing as I'm already generous with the death system (allowing you to appear at the last save position without losing any progress you made from that point on), I wonder how bad it would be to make the bosses long and difficult (not tedious). Because of this, I may incorporate a mechanic as seen in Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, where you have the choice to level up your party on death.

I'd like to get some input on that. The only other things keeping me from making steady progress are level/tileset design, enemy design, and character design.

Note that design in this case means graphical shit. I may be able to make decent graphics now, but they don't come any faster.


firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago

I'd love to allow mp3 and wav, but I'm paranoid people are going to upload illegal mp3s.

Perhaps I'll make a permissions (like html permissions) for certain users to have access to upload mp3s. Not now, but I've put it on the list.

I'll also have to disable what Cyrus did eventually…

I don't play league of legends, but I play minecraft. It may look boring, but it is faaaar from it. Especially if you're OCD.

Just buy it while it's cheap. Join the 64D server. Start digging into a mountain, get some resources, build yourself a house, or a tunnel, etc. As you learn what can be done, your imagination will come up with tons of stuff to do.

When you login to the server, type /who to see who is online, and say you're new, and we'll show you how to make tools and stuff.

I've also made a note to watch naked Shuffle.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

The thing is, I want to upload my own MP3s, make them playable with the Flash player, and show some of my work to get advice and such.

I give in. I'll buy Minecraft today and play it while I'm at work, so long as I don't die when I go AFK. Do people play regularly?

Also, Shuffle is a pretty good show. But it's very character-based, meaning less action, more seeing characters interact. There are several ministories and everything that are quite interesting. Just all that in case you were serious. And if you were, hope you get something out of it besides just the nudity or you're going to have one jealous girlfriend.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

I'll buy it for you if you draw for Terminys.

firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I know a lot of people would put up their own mp3s - which is why I would want to allow certain people to have access.

I'll leave cyrus' update in there until I make the permissions thing.

I was semi serious about the anime, but I wouldn't watch it until I get the flu next year. And that's only if I get through the next season of Dexter. (I get sick every winter, and I used to catch up on Lost, and now that that's over, I have Dexter)

There is almost always someone on minecraft - usually 4 - 10 people during the evenings.

Cyrus: Get minecraft.

firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago

Oh, yeah, the file manager itself overrides those allowed file extensions.

spectre made the FM before I made that array…Care to fix that, Cyrus? =D

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Well no, no furries.

No wait. There are lixies. Furry balls. That's as furry as you get. But come on, you draw people well too, I think.

Or you know, you could help me sprite 64Brawl and take a huge weight off of my shoulders.

firestormx 13 years, 8 months ago


Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Nobody does. That's why no progress has been made on 64Brawl. The mechanics are easy, just not the graphics.

Cesque 13 years, 8 months ago

The extra mechanic I forgot to mention is called a "Combat Zone," which basically allows you to fight without engaging an enemy like you did in the demo. Of course, this means I'll have to modify both enemy and party AI, but I think it'll make grinding less annoying.

Hmm? How does it work?

So Cesque, as my most helpful contributor thus far, do you have any suggestions?

I think grinding of some sort is unavoidable in a game with an experience system - there are games (Final Fantasy tactics, I think, but I'm not entirely sure) which let you grind experience, but make random battles progressively harder. This way, if you have trouble with a "storyline" mission, you can kill enemies, but they get stronger along with you.

That probably won't work in your game, though… I'm not saying players should be forced to level grind, I just think it's a better alternative than making them gain experience by losing a boss battle.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Remember when you touched an enemy and entered a battle map? The battle map was different from the overworld map. In combat zones, the battle map is the world map, meaning if you see an enemy on the way to your destination, they'll attack you right off, instead of engaging you and sending you to a battle map.

I thought about doing combat zones all across the game, but they tend to be faster paced than the overworld maps, to the point where you can't really AFK without pausing.

The example you gave regarding Final Fantasy sounds completely counterproductive. Grinding is already a chore, why make it harder? Do the enemies grant more as you fight?

I like the idea of skill and reflex beating strength, but I don't like the idea of lack of strength keeping someone from passing an area. Of course, in Lufia's example, you didn't start back at a save point, so you didn't have the choice to grind. If a fight was too hard, you had to restart it, and no earlier.

I'd like to avoid someone getting stuck in the game because they made the mistake of skipping earlier creatures.