Frosty Four Digits

Posted by Castypher on Dec. 5, 2011, 11:44 a.m.

By Acid




There will be five finalists. Each finalist will receive a prize, but the final round of judging will be what decides who wins.


First Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- $20 cash prize

- Showcase from Qwilderwibben (publicity!)

- Dungeon Defenders OR Terraria (you pick)

Second Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Terraria

- $15 cash prize

Third Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Terraria

- $10 cash prize

Fourth Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- $5 cash prize

Fifth Place

- Reassuring pat on the back

- If any of the finalists own the games mentioned above, or refuse any of the prizes, this finalist has a chance at them (don't get your hopes up!).


- $10 from aeron (first place)

- The Polynomial (Steam game)


Judging will take a little less time than expected. It will begin tomorrow (late tonight in my time depending on how many submissions I get), and the first round will go for two days, giving you some time to play the games (stay on top of this please). Then on Thursday, the second round will begin, where the top five proceed for one last chance at first place.

For the first round, votes MUST be submitted via PM, with your top three favorite games. Try to take several things into account, including gameplay, innovation, and how well the game fits the theme. For the second round, everyone only gets one vote.

The results will be announced on Friday.


blueBX 12 years, 10 months ago

Hey…..HEY!!! I WANT IN!!! I want to make a game. Yup. I'll make a blog and stuff about my progress later. But I want in. That is all.

m3k3 12 years, 10 months ago

I want in.

I writing you own dll's allowed? If you need to know what dll, it's "chucknorris.dll", to be written in the future. I'm planning to use "bass.dll" and I'll write my own dll for it which make communicating between gml and bass.dll possible.

Zac1790 12 years, 10 months ago

There used to be a gmbass.dll or something like that back when gm6 was the newest version

Castypher 12 years, 10 months ago


Due to some complaints about having appropriate software and experience, it is no longer required that you use original music for the purposes of this contest. You may use any music you deem fitting, but if you decide to release your product elsewhere, I highly recommend replacing the music you used.

I understand that not everyone here is good at or even interested in audio. So I'm cutting you some slack. This goes for all audio, including sound effects. Just be smart about it and let's not use overplayed themes like Pokemon. Have some taste.

To all who entered after the last roster edit, consider yourselves entrants. I'm just not updating the blog right now due to that editing bug, and don't really want to pester staff to do so either.

Zac1790 12 years, 10 months ago

It would be kinda neat though if everyone who didn't have

appropriate software and experience
just recorded themselves making a capella music or whistling. :P

Ferret 12 years, 10 months ago

I'm just not updating the blog right now due to that editing bug, and don't really want to pester staff to do so either.
Blog pinning problem fixed, you can edit now without unpinning yourself.

Castypher 12 years, 10 months ago

UPDATE: If you are planning to donate to F4D, please read.

Due to Paypal's fees, I'd rather not have people send the money to me to redistribute, as that would incur even more fees. Instead I ask all who plan on donating to continue being good sports and send the money to the winners by yourselves. The same goes for game donations through Steam. I'd rather not have people pull out as soon as they see they're not going to win, because why donate in the first place?

The current list of people donating are as follows:

Kilin - Two copies of Terraria

FSX - Four copies of Left 4 Dead 2

$10 from Aeron

$30 from Cesque (may be going through Toast)

$20 from Acid

BuniSuitClassix has also said he would donate

Dungeon Defenders or Terraria from Unaligned

If anyone would like to donate, or one of the donators would like to adjust or even remove (sad) his donation, you may either PM me or post here. I understand it's your money/games/whatever and you can do what you want with it, but it kind of takes the fun out of things when people make an offer and pull out.

But thanks for everyone for pitching in. Whether or not any prizes come out of it, I'm sure the contest itself will be fun. Once things are a little more final, I'll begin sorting out the prizes in regards to how many finalists we have.

You all have about a week remaining, so here's some advice. Don't worry about making a few things less than perfect. You didn't have months to make this, therefore everyone would understand if you didn't excel in every area. It's better to enter something than not at all. Good luck to everyone.

The winner will be showcased by Qwilderwibben, good for some publicity

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

Just wondering, what way should we go about submitting our finished game? PM a link?

Acid 12 years, 10 months ago

I'm pitching in $20.

flashback 12 years, 10 months ago

Question about the date for submission: Is it 30th, exclusive, or 30th, inclusive? Also, what time zone?