The 64Digits List of Resources

Posted by Castypher on Oct. 19, 2012, 4:01 p.m.

I'm going out of town for the weekend on a…we'll say a writer's retreat! I'm entering NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) in two weeks, and I need to solidify some ideas so I can stay engaged the entire time and come up with a new story to add to my ever-growing collection.

And before you ask, yes I have finished some. Three to be precise. But one is being entirely reworked, one is just in the editing phase, and the last is somewhere near the end of the editing phase. I abhor the day I try to find a publisher.

I'm so bad at limiting blogs to one topic.

Anyway, before I leave this weekend, I wanted to put together a quick list of people in various categories. These are the people you should consider if you're looking for a collaboration. I'm mostly paying attention to the artistic side though.

Feel free to suggest more people to add to the list. If I forgot you, just say so. If you don't want to be listed, you can say so as well.


Stevenup - Classical, Jazz, Folk, various genres

sirxemic - Electronica

Mega - Chiptunes

mr8bit - Retro (I don't know what it is really, but it's not chip)

Kilin - Orchestral hybrids, various genres

Art - In-Game

Rez - Abstract, semi-realistic cartoon

DSG - Animation


Art - Concept

Eva-unit - Realism, sci-fi

Cyrus - Unique cartoon style

3D Modeling




hel - Contemporary, fantasy

Kilin - Supernatural

Cyrus - Contemporary



Concept and Gameplay




panzercretin 12 years ago

Actually, maybe put me down for art after all. I'm working on re-employing that abstract neon vector style I used in AtomAtic. It's actually really fun to work with, and I feel like it'd work wonders in a puzzle game or a metaphorical platformer or something.

Here's a platformer thing I've been working on for a couple hours in that style:

It looks way better in motion, I swear >_>

MMOnologueguy 12 years ago

Quote: nope
All of the areas

MMORPGguy - Capable of filling any position to at least a limited capacity.
What, no, grammatically this is incompatible with my request. I said "them," not "it". Now nothing about the affair is even slightly funny, except for this comment, which is only unintentionally funny. Okay, so, shit, I think I've got it this time: I demand to placed as the least reliable resource in each of the categories listed.

Castypher 12 years ago

Let it be noted that I haven't edited this blog once. So I'm not the one you should be chewing out.

MMOnologueguy 12 years ago

Okay, now the thing just feels a little odd when you read it, like it's supposed to rhyme but doesn't, or it's off-key, or maybe if you put an MC Escher drawing in perspective and looked at it from the wrong angle. The All of the areas category has to go. AND JUST TO SEE IF THIS WORKS: Also, embed this video at the start of the blog.

mr8bit 12 years ago

Glock & Mr8bit

That's a link to my SoundCloud profile. You know, if you want to link to it in the blog or something.

Astryl 12 years ago

Here's my SoundCloud page:

And DeviantArt (Because, ya know, I draw stuff sometimes):

Snakeman 12 years ago

Dibs on PR.

panzercretin 12 years ago

Why am I still not on the list

False Vector Graphics is a thing :C

Kamira 12 years ago

How could I forget beta testing? Sign me up.

Ferret 12 years ago

I like how originally this started out as a reference guide to find skilled people to work with and became a list people want to tack themselves onto :P