Back to Terminys We Go!

Posted by Castypher on Nov. 5, 2012, 3:13 p.m.

So NaNoWriMo is going deliciously. I've got 12k words at the moment, putting me pretty far ahead of schedule. But since I'm aiming for 80k instead of 50k, I think that actually puts me a little behind. But I'm really liking where I'm taking this story so far, even though it's alien territory (as usual).

I'll write a review blog later, but I have to say I'm really enjoying some of the S4D entries. My question is who's actually played mine though, because I can only count them on one hand so far, and I fucking love feedback, harsh or not.

But anyway.

With all schoolwork done due to exams coming up, I've got a little free time to go back to some of my old games. Anyone remember Terminys? Apparently Cesque and SpectreNectar do (And by god, I love having those two on my boat. They're some of the best testers we have around here.).

For the others who remember, the game is getting a complete overhaul. Now you can expect to see a lot more depth, including:

- Screen size increase

- Mouse-based combat engine

- Day/night system that affects enemy spawns and environment

- Enhanced party system. Status effects and knockout manifest themselves in a larger scale

- NPC system where each NPC has his own schedule

- Dynamic lighting system that takes the time of day into account, as well as light sources

- Inventory has been re-added and includes combat items you'll use on the fly

- Caterpillar system!

- Party member switching (you can play as anyone in your party, and customize them as well)

- Enhanced animation system including idle animations!

- Brewing system

- Boss rebattle

- Boss achievements!

- The Spirits Festival, an event you can repeat every 30 days to raise your stats and gain some experience

- Character relations and contact (something similar to Pokemon Silver but more in-depth)

- Spells are no longer gained automatically, but are learned through taskmasters, who usually send you out to complete a difficult task

And now for some screenshots.

Caterpillar system with one party member (I don't know what that duplicate Aidan is doing over there *cough*

All party members provide buffs both passively and whenever you're playing as them.

The passive point system reworked. This system allows you to customize each character to fit your desired playstyle.

The day/night lighting system in effect. Time passes at a 1:30 ratio (meaning for every second of real time, two minutes of game time pass). Time flows in real time during combat.

Also, I'm doing a drawing. In the middle of coloring it right now. Will post later….


colseed 11 years, 11 months ago

lolol your game was the first one i played

(been keeping all my s4d game comments in a text file so i can maybe post them later, but basically i ragequit on account of floor-eating bs and the boss shotgunning bullets in my face)

(i did rather like the whole sword-conjuring / fight-or-flight system though - i literally wound up running back to the start room upon finding the first enemy lol)

All I remember about Terminys is that River witch person, but

- NPC system where each NPC has his own schedule
sounds like it could be pretty cool.

Castypher 11 years, 11 months ago

i ragequit on account of floor-eating bs
There are only three in the whole game, and they don't move at all.

But I'm glad to know the enemies that took me ages to make ended up being the ones everyone's having trouble with. I'll check that off as a success in my book.

Yeeep. Girl successfully eaten by floor.

and the boss shotgunning bullets in my face
I hate to do a playthrough of my own game, but the bosses are both simple in that every one of their attacks is aimed at your position.

And Cyrus tells me I need to start whoring out this game sometime. I guess if I can borrow DSG's raw developing speed, I'll give it a go.

Ferret 11 years, 11 months ago

Anyone remember Terminys? Apparently Cesque and SpectreNectar do
I do!

My question is who's actually played mine though, because I can only count them on one hand so far
Yeah no one besides Death has really given me much feedback yet. :P

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 11 months ago

I wasn't aware that you ever had a playable version of this game. I wanna see how it was like.

Castypher 11 years, 11 months ago

Yeah no one besides Death has really given me much feedback yet. :P
I admit I haven't gotten around to it yet. Tons of schoolwork all piled on top of each other. But I'll play it before the voting deadline, and that's a promise. I mean, long as you play mine too, you asshat.

I wasn't aware that you ever had a playable version of this game. I wanna see how it was like.
Heh. The nostalgia. I'm not sure I have those game files lying around anymore, but that was a lot of fun.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 11 months ago

Yeah no one besides Death has really given me much feedback yet. :P


Heh. The nostalgia. I'm not sure I have those game files lying around anymore, but that was a lot of fun.

Hurr, that's not fair.

So, like, the party leaders are the only active player, or do you control all four?

This is like a sort of ARPG, right?

Ferret 11 years, 11 months ago

long as you play mine too, you asshat.
Already have :P Guess I shouldn't hoard up my thoughts for so long, but this review blog has been taking longer than expected with school and stuff.

Castypher 11 years, 11 months ago

It's action, and the party leader is the active player, but you can give commands to your party members, such as Attack, Pursue, Stand Ground, Support, etc. However, since each party member is different, they'll switch out of command stance when something happens. Not everyone wants to go down with the ship when things go awry.

For example:

- Aidan, the main character, takes commands well and is fairly balanced.

- Bree, the main character's sister, is entirely supportive and flees at about half health, and will only support you if you're far from enemies.

- River, being a reckless character, doesn't like taking commands for too long, and will always be on the offensive, even if her health is low.

- Kralys takes a more tactical approach, and dives in and out of the fight. He takes commands very well.

- Karemi is supportive but would sooner stand her ground than flee. She takes commands well, but prefers going about things her own way.

And if I come up with other party members (which I will as I develop more characters), they'll have their own styles too. Additionally, the NPC relationships I mentioned earlier may play into your party members too, so keeping them happy makes them take commands better.

Of course, that could also work terribly.

TehHoosier 11 years, 11 months ago

I've played the version you can get off of YoYo, but that was a long time ago.

Castypher 11 years, 11 months ago

Oh my god, I forgot about that version.

Heh, all the ripped MOTHER3 graphics. Only 8 plays, eh?

That was the very first version, Taizen. Then I revamped the entire concept and posted River's Prologue, which I don't think can be found anywhere. You can play that if you want, but naturally the first rendition isn't a good representation of the rest of the game. Taking it down as soon as I can. Cheers.