Today marks the end of the first month. How are you guys holding up to the deadline? Remember, the first completition deadline is one month away. You're halfway there. However, just remember that this deadline is not the final deadline, but you are expected to have a playable, mostly complete game to submit. After it goes through a few selected judges, you'll be given one additional month to work. You should be using this month for tying loose ends and general polish. Further extensions will probably not be given.
Also, for those of you who may not have seen, we've got Joe from over here. He'll be keeping an eye on progress and polish, as well as entering the completition himself.As always, if you feel you won't be ready for the bundle, please let me know, and if you're one of those who doesn't have time to finish the completition at all, let me know so I can move your name off the list.Or you know, choose something less ambitious. We've had 1-month comps before that worked well. And I'm pretty sure the guys over at IUP wouldn't mind a few smaller games as long as they're of decent quality.
Once again, just go to the updated imgur album.
I redid the start of the game. Feel like it better matches the rest of the game now. Also it's now possible to recover if you fall, but the penalty is that any platforms you use to recover are removed. (This probably won't make any sense to anyone except myself)Also added a bunch of different platform types- big, small, platforms with gaping holes, and platforms with trampolines.Replaced the backdrop, too. Might go back to the original though.Performance got better this week, too. I'm using blob shadows, which are super slow in Unity, but I found a way of speeding them up a bit. Among other things.OK, so I have absolutely nothing visible at the moment, besides my engine's editor, which I posted in the last blog. I can make no promises about this being completed in time, and that's all I can say for now.
EDIT:I've given things some thoughts, and I'm going to stop screwing around with this 3D engine for now, and just make something 2D. It won't be the same as Hunter, but it'll be within my ability to complete.Hello everyone! I've got a mockup to post. This shows the style of art we have for the game and maybe a general idea of what the game is all about: Mockup shot . We are aiming to make a sort of coffee-break dungeon crawler, nothing too big, but something we can probably finish up within the allotted time.
@Joe: Nice style you've got there!
Anyway, I've decided to make a simple, short-ish but highly polished RPG, using RPG Maker VX, using original art, music and a typically overused story. EDIT:I give to you a generic hero, Baldwin. Floor/wall tiles and character are what I've made so far…@Mega: Thank you! How is RMVX, I've used XP but never made the jump. I like the tiles you have, makes the character stand out well and looks perfectly…dungen-e! Is the black hidden rooms or will that become a sort of tower?
@ DaggerHog: I love the main character you have. Do those huge ears sort of flop as he walks!?? The little enemies remind me of those little guys with the hats from Mario, I love it!@Joe: Thanks! No, the black is just used to represent solid space behind walls. I don't like to draw too much attention to areas where the player can't be.
RMVX is pretty decent. Reminds me more of RPGM2000 than XP, which is a good thing in my book.Wait, Mega is using RPG Maker? After all this bashing of Unity, you choose RPG Maker?
Actually, VX is pretty cool, and if you're good with Ruby, you're capable of doing pretty much anything Game Maker is.Another screenshot: