These are the entries so far. Most of them are unfinished but it's your job to help them figure out what to do and what to focus on. Each member will be required to give feedback on at least five games unless it is believably not within your power. Please also pay attention to the Questions for Players section and help out by answering for them.You guys have been great so far.If you haven't submitted to me yet, get on it. It's not too late, but you might lose out on the hype if you take too long.So here we go:The Entries
Description:Ascend a giant spinning wheel in this quirky 3D platform game. Beam through pipes, collect valuable crystals, and eat magical time-altering pills on your way to the top.Controls:WASD/arrow keys to moveZ/spacebar to jumpNotes:It's super important to actually read the README because I haven't made a tutorial yet, and most people who've played the game needed to have things explained to them.Bugs:The most glaring issue is that if you jump while going through a pipe, things get wacky for a bit, but it's not game-breaking.Questions for Players:- How was performance?- Could you reach the top?
Blob: Invasion by Pirate-RobDownload
Description:A world with blobs as it's primary inhabitants get's invaded by strange sap creatures. Not only that but unusual grey fog has started appearing. One blob, discontent with his house being torn apart decides to do something.This is a platformer in which you control a character who has the ability to shrink and grow. Being either size offer advantages and disadvantages which needs to be used to get through the game.Questions for Players:- Is the game too hard?- Does the story make sense?- Should health packs be added in?
Cut (Kirigami Medic) by colseedDownload (includes a second game, Walk)
Description:As a medic in a paper world, the player is sent to extract wounded soldiers from an overrun base. Controls:Arrow keys to moveZ to interact/pick up suppliesHold Shift to runNotes:Allies are green, enemies are purple. They're just colored versions of the player at the moment (yay placeholders). Enemies spew bursts of bullets in random directions that don't actually hurt anything yet. Pretty much all you can do is run around, pick up things, and watch oddly-hued versions of yourself wander around the level using the default pathfinding algorithm that should have been easy to implement but wasn't. TO PLAY: This is a flash game, so you can play it in-browser by opening cutflix_play.html. It's also possible to play the .swf file standalone, but there are canvas resizing issues if you run said .swf in a browser when not embedded in an HTML file.Major Bugs:There's no real gameplay. Not circumventable because the programmer couldn't figure out how to use the game engine properly before this release.Minor Bugs:Enemies/allies occasionally spawn ever so slightly outside the map. Sometimes you can see a couple of them hanging out at the very bottom, feeling sad because they can't walk around like their friends inside the level.Questions for Players:Opinions on how the player controls, I guess? I didn't give you much to go on, so I don't expect much. If you notice any performance hits, do say something though - still trying to work out how to optimize things properly. 
Fire Point by Cesque and AeronDownload
Description:A game about attempting to save people from horrible death in flames.Controls:Explained in-gameNotes:Starts in 2x windowed mode
Magical Castle by DaggerhogDownload
Description:Monsters have invaded the Magical Castle! Eradicate them with your magic and use special objects to help you on your quest!Controls:Arrow keys - MoveZ - Change spellX - JumpC - FireNotes:Now, there shouldn't be any real game-breaking bugs laying around, but if one managed to sneak by, don't hesitate to let me know! And if there any levels that are either too easy later on or too hard early on, note them down for me so I can adjust them accordingly.
Maiko Fuse byhelDownload
Description:Chase and kill your rival, the arrow-shaped ship, while avoiding the bullets he fires. You accelerate automatically, unless you get hit or go off the track. Fall below 20000 in speed and a countdown will appear on your odometer. If your health or the countdown reaches zero… you lose!There are 20 levels total. The difficulty curve here is vicious. The first few levels can be easy, but the last few are minute long battles.Controls (game):X to shootZ for quick turnsLeft-Right arrow keys to turn along the tunnelUp arrow to jumpS to pauseControls (menu):X to selectLeft-Right to change difficultyUp-Down to change levelNotes:Normal Mode: 45 second countdown. partially circular tunnel.Hard Mode: 30 second countdown. no circular tunnel, all broken.??? ModeOther tips can be found on the blog: for Players:i *really* need feedback on the difficulty curve. at what levels people start to max out. when it *is* fun and when it isn't, and why.Description:1-4 players journey together, fighting hordes of evil creatures at every stop. Searching for weapons, fuel, and supplies will be your secondary concern after keeping yourself alive. And neither of these goals will be easy.On the other hand, most of the enemies are blind, so use that to your advantage. Controls:In the menu, use the mouse to change controls if necessary by clicking on the image of a mouse and keys near the player character and carried-inventory. You can also customize the character by clicking on the head or body. After that screen specific control setups are explained.Note that the game is best played with gamepads (XBox 360 controllers are what I've tested on so far) but you'll still have to use the mouse in the menu sections for now. You can play with 2 players by clicking the red X on the second character slot. The control setups are still somewhat glitchy but usually resolve if you leave the menu and come back or you may have to restart (Press "R" during a battle).Press Escape to leave the game at any time.Bugs:There are still a lot of bugs - most of which involve text or the player being able to go off the screen.Questions for Players:- How do you feel about the game's progression? Does it feel too grindy? If so, on what scale. In a battle, or as a whole, involving the accumulation of items?- How do you feel about the game's difficulty? Are you unable to progress? Did you get stuck?- Did you come across anything that could be interpreted as a bug?- How many people did you play with?
Description:Regions is an abstract puzzle game for PC and Android where players must draw a path that covers only one square in each region. A simple premise, but a complex game! Featuring 160 levels to play, an original soundtrack (hopefully!), and new mechanics later in the game to keep things fresh.Notes:No big bugs are known, but please let me know if you think you've broken something! A readme is included that explains how to play the game.
The Twilight Realm by KilinDownload
Description:The Twilight Realm is a parasitic world that steals from its neighboring worlds. Kale was stolen with it, but he isn't alone. He meets Rai, a veteran who was once in the same position as himself. Together they press on in hopes of stopping the spread of the world and finding a way home.Features fast-paced bullet hell action combat, with the choice of one of eight unique classes, including two tanks, two melee damage, two ranged damage, and two mages.Controls:WASD - MoveLeft Click - Use basic attack, cast skill (if currently targeting), interact with NPCRight Click - Ready skill cast (use to target), or use instant-cast skillZ - Progress dialogueNumber Keys/Mousewheel - Scroll through skillsEsc - Pause gameNotes:- The party AI system was never added, but its mechanics are in place.- The Warped Sanctum is currently inaccessible.- The Badlands poison puzzle can be circumvented by specific class abilities. This may appear obscure, but the effet can be dodged through jump skills, healed off, or nullified by the Corruptor's skills.Major Bugs:- On some computers, the dialogue engine and some surface-related transitions can freeze and crash the game.- There is a known bug in the Terminal Band that can cause the cutscene to hang.- There is a known bug with the Render in which he can deal obscene amounts of damage to bosses.Minor Bugs:- Due to a rework of the damage formula, some enemies may hit too hard or take too much damage. Please report what you feel is unfair.- The Guardian's shield doesn't reflect bullets like it's meant to. Additionally, his mirror isn't functional.- One of the Tracker's buffs actually weakens his damage output.- Eira's lasers don't properly detect collisions and their depth causes them to appear over everything.- Some rapid damage attacks don't properly apply their damage yet.- The moveset display is ugly and currently being worked on.- The digger enemy in the Badlands can currently teleport even while stunned.- Eira gives subtle sound indicators of when he's open to attack, but this is going to be reworked.Questions for Players:- What classes did you play? Which is your favorite and why? What is your least favorite and why?- Do you think the bullet density is too easy or too difficult?- Do you think enemy damage scaling is too easy or too difficult?- Do you have any suggestions on how to make player abilities or a specific class more fun?
Walk by colseedDownload (includes a second game, Cut)
Description:An unarmed and demoralized soldier left for dead on the outskirts of a city about to be destroyed goes for a walk. Controls:Arrow keys to move/jump/crouchA to activate OrbHold/release Z to charge/generate shield when Orb is activatedSpace to interact when a question mark pops up over somethingShift also shows the player collision mask, if you're into that sort of thing. Notes:This is mostly a tech demo (though the version made for RPG4D has some story exposition in it). There are no direct sword attacks (or animations) yet, so the only way to damage enemies is the shield. Player is also invincible for the time being. Exploration is fun and you should try it. And touching the purple squares warps you back to the first area.TO PLAY: Run the .exe. It's made in Game Maker 8.0, so you can do things like press F4 to fullscreen, but it also only runs on Windows. Which makes me kind of sad. Major Bugs:None that I know of, surprisingly? Though there is an annoying bug where if you move away from an interactable object after activating it, the message it pops up keeps popping up and won't go away. Plus trying to use Space to advance the text before it's finished typing itself out makes it restart. Minor Bugs:The player sprite doesn't change when crouch is pressed while standing still and facing right (even though the player mask does change). Enemies do funny things sometimes. Questions for Players:Impressions of using the shield? Other impressions? 
I just wanted people to know that there are a couple users who weren't able to present a demo but are still working on their entries. As punishment, I will blatantly say that one of them is Purianite so please throw all kinds of rotten vegetables at him and tear his testicles off with dental floss.
I'm miffed at Charlie and Taizen. I was really looking forward to those games.@Juurianchi: Thanks, I'll proofread the story and I'll make it harder.
+ Does anyone else see the story like Juurianchi? And the bad guys as black? Cause if you do, I need to fix that :SAh, thanks, I was almost about to go recolour all the saps to amber now :P
I'm going to play and review all of these later/tomorrow.
Indeed, I will still be working on my game. Things have just been much too hectic recently to dedicate any time to it, so it will be a slower process. As I've said before though, this completition gave me the impetus to actually put together a story and direction, so I have taken something very positive away.
Played/wrote reviews for half of these just now, will do the rest and post a blog tomorrow probably.
I'm just going to dump a micro review thing here. Didn't have much time to spend on this today.
The Twilight RealmIt was enjoyable, again. I played as a Render this time round, was quite a change from my last play as a Particle Artist. The music in the intro-area was excellently placed.A bug I encountered, or at least an annoyance, is that in various areas I can go off-screen where I shouldn't be able to (Just prior to fighting the first Eventide Demon, and very often in the Terminal Band).Magical CastleThis felt like a classic arcade/NES game. I liked the elemental system, though the methods for defeating some of the enemies isn't apparent at first (The red fire head things). Also: Yay. Password.You need music for this :<Walk & Cut