S4D Things.
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You'll all be glad to know that my S4D game will include plasticy demon people, some of whom you may already know from your nightmares.These people are procedurally generated The Heist-style as applicants to your crazy awesome agency. A script compiles them by choosing specific traits; such …Portfolilol
So, I made a portfolio to tack on to a resume in hopes of getting some kind of graphic design internship.
Before I actually tack it on there, though, I'd appreciate it if you guys could take a look and let me know if it's even impressive or if I'm …Ignore Me!
Digiter! I have traveled from an incredibly distant star to observe the ways of your website!You have the honor of representing your entire site, as my sample subject! Do not speak to me!Do not alter your normal human behavior in any way!You know not the elaborate criteria …
Musical Dippydoos
I don't know what a dippydoo is, to be honest. I'm not convinced it's a thing. I just didn't want to make "Music" the title.
But, like a quarter of all blogs posted on this site, this one's about music I made.I've been trying out different shit, lately, mostly …Cool Stuffs.
So I haven't made a proper blog in forever so I figured I should give it a whirl, it could potentially be long so I'll be providing helpful subject titles.
Take notes, there's a quiz later.Ludum DareAs I'm sure you know, Ludum Dare 24 was last weekend. I …A Nudge in the Right Direction.
Short blog/requesty thing;
So I want to make Credence Filter a platform adventure game. It will have scarce enemies but it will have puzzles and platforming and stuff. Half-implemented is a system for picking up important items, which you can only have one of at a time until later when …Alerns.
I've been doing all kinds of stuff lately.
Mostly nothing.I have also been working on my new game project. Working title is Credence Filter, and it's about a dude who's the chosen one. I like this concept because it brings to light the idea that most games ignore, that …I Require Aid.
Okay, so as you may know, I created a super awesome lighting engine.
As you may not know, I have no idea how to handle tiles with code.My current way to put a background and foreground into the room is create them both with tiles separately and save them …Chuck's Super-Duper RPG Reviews!
After a few months of anticipation, I finally get to play the entries for the RPG contest. I didn't get the chance to play too many of them, but I've reviewed the ones I did.
Walk - colseed (3/10)Beluas and Castles - Nehemek (1/10)Mystic Castle - frankie? (??/??) …We Love Guild Wars 2
Okay, so I've been playing GW2 today and yesterday. This is the third or fourth (idr) beta weekend. The first weekend I decided to play a Human Thief, but this weekend all previous characters were wiped, so I rolled a Charr Warrior. The game is great; it's pretty, the combat …