Windows 10 out now!

Posted by Cpsgames on July 29, 2015, 11:15 a.m.

So, Windows 10 is out now.

I just got done installing it on my work PC. I didn't care to go through installing all of my work programs again so I just did the in-place-upgrade to go from Windows 7 to 10. I had the worst experience at first. The start button didn't do anything, task manager wouldn't work at all (freeze on launch), and the task bar itself would freeze up after touching it once and would need a full OS restart (restarting via cmd wouldn't fix it). After 4 or 5 restarts everything is working beautifully and I'm glad to finally have this computer on something other than Windows 7!

My home PC I'm going to do a full fresh install though, definitely. Short blog, sorry. Figured this could be a place for discussion for Windows 10. Regardless, it's Steven's fault.

Anyone else upgrade yet or are planning to?


Acid 9 years, 7 months ago

Finishing sorting through my PC for duplicate files because years ago I backed up files in a stupid way, but once I clean my shit up (with help from dupeGuru) and get everything saved "2 da cloud" I'm going to do a fresh install on my desktop. I'll wait until all of the major issues get sorted before I update my laptop Windows partition.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 7 months ago

And I haven't even updated my Insider Preview to the latest build yet! Hmm, better boot Windows 10 and start updating, I think.

Moikle 9 years, 7 months ago

I am going to wait until I have heard reviews. I don't want to install it then find out half my programs don't work and that I can't revert to 7/8

Astryl 9 years, 7 months ago

Busy slowly downloading it at the moment. Preparing myself with a bit of foreknowledge so I can deal with the inevitable problems I'll get at the PC shop.

In preparation, I relabeled my Hammer, formerly "Windows 8 Repair Tool" to the "Universal Windows Overhaul Tool Mark 8". Bonus points if you spotted the resulting acronym as you read that

I am going to wait until I have heard reviews. I don't want to install it then find out half my programs don't work and that I can't revert to 7/8
I'm kinda getting "paid" to install it (My boss, wants me to prepare myself for the hordes), and I'll probably write a few review blogs (Important things such as the update process, games, development tools, etc).

Cpsgames 9 years, 7 months ago

I don't want to install it then find out half my programs don't work and that I can't revert to 7/8
You have a month to revert your Windows version if you choose. Anyway other than the rocky upgrade process, all of my stuff has worked just fine, like in the Insider Preview.

Found this.

Yeah… I'm gonna keep that disabled. It was enabled by default. Though, the local mode would be really useful for houses with a lot of people on a connection that is slow or has a data cap.

F1ak3r 9 years, 7 months ago

I've been using the Tech Preview on my main PC for eight months now. I was happy to see it didn't expire today.

I want to wait on upgrading to 10 proper until I can buy a copy (can't actually find anywhere to buy one now, just "FREE UPGRADE" everywhere), just so that I have the (relative) freedom that comes with owning a license key. Also the only PC I have an old copy of Windows on is my old laptop I haven't touched in months – upgrading that would be pointless.

flashback 9 years, 7 months ago

Pretty sure Newegg is selling it, with a discount today to boot.

Astryl 9 years, 7 months ago

(can't actually find anywhere to buy one now, just "FREE UPGRADE" everywhere)
Orange has it in-store as of today, though I don't know if there are any stores outside of Cape Town. I'd be thinking that within a few days it'll be available from most major suppliers.

Otherwise, find a Windows 8 Retail Upgrade (And install it standalone using a bit of trickery), and upgrade from there. Would probably be cheaper. :P

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 7 months ago

Hmm, now Windows is download something called 'TH1 Professional 10240'. I wonder if that's the final beta build or something…?

Astryl 9 years, 7 months ago

I think that's the Day One patch. About 500mb or so, contains a ton of fixes they missed.

EDIT: Derp, you're upgrading from within the Preview. That's the release build (TH1 being Threshold 1, Window's internal name).