You're Single HAHAHA

Posted by DSG on Feb. 14, 2007, 10:19 p.m.

That sucks for you, dude. I had an awesome valentines day and yet usually I hate it. Not because I’m alone but because it’s a Hallmark holiday. I have a great thing going on with a pretty hot girl. And I don’t mean hot for what I can get, I mean hot in the eyes of society =) yeah yeah its singles’ awareness day for most of you guys but I’m happy today.

Plus, ive made progress on STARBURST SWITCHGEAR. What do you mean what’s that? Check my last blog that was so rudely taken off the front page.

Uhm anyone who likes cool music, check out these bands:

Deadstar Assembly


Shadows Fall

The Crystal Method


Hour Cast


You do that.

no screen from Starburst. Sorry.

oh, For those who did'nt see it:


hope u like it but once you get to ardor, it lags BADLY


left/right - walk

up - jump

down - crouch/use elevater

space - select

shift - drop/pickup weapon

z - stride

x - reload

c - fire



Maxcore 18 years ago

DUDE SO AWESOME!!! The only thing you need to work on is moving along non flat surfaces because its so slow and you can't jump. Funny blog title, but havn't talked to you in a while dude, wtf is up?

DFortun81 18 years ago

How'd you know I'm single? =O

blueBX 18 years ago

Pretty simple, If you say valentine's day sucked or if you were in 64D mostly the whole day, you sir are single. My eyes were bleeding because of all the red heart ballons everywhere.

Acid 18 years ago

I'm not single. But my V-Day sucked because my girlfriend was gone all day… >_>

RhysAndrews 18 years ago

I have a great thing going on with a pretty hot girl. And I don’t mean hot for what I can get, I mean hot in the eyes of society =) yeah yeah its singles’ awareness day for most of you guys but I’m happy today.
True Love - Liking someone because they're hot. I wish. And don't just say "Yeah she's nice 'n' funny 'n' stuff too" because saying that just makes me further prove the point that her personality is second priority. I'd rather be a single guy than a teenage angst with no concept of what dating and having a girlfriend is for.

Lethal 18 years ago

As I mentioned in the previous post:

This is amazing. Im breathless. You are a unsurpassed content creator and a creative soul. I congradulate you on your fantastic work and skills. I can only wish to be as nearly as good in my lifetime. Working with you would be a dream. You rightfully earn you place in GM fame. You should be proud and I am sad to see such an amazing project expire. yet I know that whatever you make will be just as good, if not better. So cheers, for whats to come. Ill look forward to it every day.

And mine didnt lag AT ALL! Dunno what your talking about…

Lethal 18 years ago

Agrees with RhysAndrews and I got lotsa candy today! No girlfriend though. Ehh, well at least no responsibility…

DSG 18 years ago

dude… shes more than smart or funny. she likes my music, she actually is REALLY funny as in she can make me laugh like crazy… shes romantic and kind and yeah

no im not just sayin that

besides, there is no such thing as true love. Im a teenager. I'm having fun w/it. in the end, its about having a good time right?? if we can make each other smile and feel happy, y not? and im always the guy who is freinds w/the girl after the breakup.

DSG 18 years ago

@lethal: man, you made my day =) and yeah you're right being in a relationship has its disadvantages… but whatever =)

Lethal 18 years ago

Hey, you desirve the praise, every word of it.