You're Single HAHAHA

Posted by DSG on Feb. 14, 2007, 10:19 p.m.

That sucks for you, dude. I had an awesome valentines day and yet usually I hate it. Not because I’m alone but because it’s a Hallmark holiday. I have a great thing going on with a pretty hot girl. And I don’t mean hot for what I can get, I mean hot in the eyes of society =) yeah yeah its singles’ awareness day for most of you guys but I’m happy today.

Plus, ive made progress on STARBURST SWITCHGEAR. What do you mean what’s that? Check my last blog that was so rudely taken off the front page.

Uhm anyone who likes cool music, check out these bands:

Deadstar Assembly


Shadows Fall

The Crystal Method


Hour Cast


You do that.

no screen from Starburst. Sorry.

oh, For those who did'nt see it:


hope u like it but once you get to ardor, it lags BADLY


left/right - walk

up - jump

down - crouch/use elevater

space - select

shift - drop/pickup weapon

z - stride

x - reload

c - fire



kevboh 18 years ago

ugh ugh ugh.

I'm sick of reading about your (your as in everyone's) tweenster girlfriends. I'm sure she'll be thrilled when she finds a bevy of gamers inquiring as to the status of her "rack."

Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

Personally. I think your expecting too much of a bunch of hormonal teenagers sitting infront of their computer.

Extravisual 18 years ago

"It's a load off my shoulders, but a frown in my pants."

Best quote ever.

"ugh ugh ugh"

You don't have to brag about your sex you know.

DSG: Use the basic concept of grammar, else I will sell my soul in Colorado.

eagly 18 years ago

I'm sure she'll be thrilled when she finds a bevy of gamers inquiring as to the status of her "rack."
Rofl. That had me laughing for a while.

Cocopuffs 18 years ago

Quote: Rhys
I'm just not a big fan of Angst love.
That's fair, and I won't criticize you for that. All I'm askin' s for you not to criticize others because what they believe.

Quote: Kevboh
I'm sick of reading about your (your as in everyone's) tweenster girlfriends. I'm sure she'll be thrilled when she finds a bevy of gamers inquiring as to the status of her "rack."
1. You should have known this was going to be filled with girlfriend gossip, no one held a gun to your head and said, read this.

2. My (ex)girlfriend would find it funny. There no way to go wrong if your complimenting your girlfriend, I could go around saying she's hot, has big tits. She might play slap me, but deep down she'd be flattered. But I suppose if they're real shy (not my personal type), you might want to downplay the tit talk. I for one would love it if my girlfriends went around and told everyone I had a big dick :).

Maybe I should post my tips on chicks thing after all…

OBELISK 18 years ago

Nice game you have there. I'll be sure to play the final version.

That is, if you can even finish it.

DSG 18 years ago

@kevboh: dude im almost 18. tweenager? yeah right

@cocopuffs: damn straight man! exactly every word totally true

@hobomonkeyc: yeah shes got a lovely rack but im deeper than that. im like a generic pool i got the shallow end i got the deep end. yeah…

dude me and her, we're havin fun k? k… god, get out more… those who say looks dont matter CANT GET an attractive girl, so they say that to feel better about it. you think: "i cant have a cute girlfreind?? OK FINE WHATEVER LOOKS DONT MATTER ANYWAY" yeah whatever u gotta tell yourself.

elmernite 18 years ago

Pitty you stop the crimson game. The demo was cool.

Though he moved a little slow.


Crane-ium 18 years ago

umm…that file is HUGE! Sorry,but not for me.

elmernite 18 years ago

Like the new banner!
