That sucks for you, dude. I had an awesome valentines day and yet usually I hate it. Not because I’m alone but because it’s a Hallmark holiday. I have a great thing going on with a pretty hot girl. And I don’t mean hot for what I can get, I mean hot in the eyes of society =) yeah yeah its singles’ awareness day for most of you guys but I’m happy today.

Plus, ive made progress on STARBURST SWITCHGEAR. What do you mean what’s that? Check my last blog that was so rudely taken off the front page.
Uhm anyone who likes cool music, check out these bands:
Deadstar Assembly
Shadows Fall
The Crystal Method
Hour Cast
You do that.
no screen from Starburst. Sorry.
oh, For those who did'nt see it:
CRIMSON SKY EARLY WIP u like it but once you get to ardor, it lags BADLY
left/right - walk
up - jump
down - crouch/use elevater
space - select
shift - drop/pickup weapon
z - stride
x - reload
c - fire
You kinda just made up a definition there, Rhys. Lol
LIAR! I got a pretty hot babe too :D
Lets be friends for that xDNOOOOOOOOO…………………… NOT ANOTHER ONE, IM DOOMED.
It's not singles' awareness day, it's HAPPY FUCK YOU, I'M SINGLE day. Get it right. :(
Celldweller and the Crystal Method are awesome. I've never heard of the rest, but I'll check them out.I'm gonna try out Crimson Sky in a little bit.I'm just not a big fan of Angst love.
The guy in the game, I think he has some sort of metal rod inserted into his rear end the way he walks slowly and stiffly.
Yea RhysAndrews, does it really matter what her personality is like as long as she is hot and tolerable? I think you are trying to be to deep where you do not need to be. The great thing about teenage relationships is that you can do whatever you want, with little condequence. Kinda like the internet, and the internet is HOT.