You're Single HAHAHA

Posted by DSG on Feb. 14, 2007, 10:19 p.m.

That sucks for you, dude. I had an awesome valentines day and yet usually I hate it. Not because I’m alone but because it’s a Hallmark holiday. I have a great thing going on with a pretty hot girl. And I don’t mean hot for what I can get, I mean hot in the eyes of society =) yeah yeah its singles’ awareness day for most of you guys but I’m happy today.

Plus, ive made progress on STARBURST SWITCHGEAR. What do you mean what’s that? Check my last blog that was so rudely taken off the front page.

Uhm anyone who likes cool music, check out these bands:

Deadstar Assembly


Shadows Fall

The Crystal Method


Hour Cast


You do that.

no screen from Starburst. Sorry.

oh, For those who did'nt see it:


hope u like it but once you get to ardor, it lags BADLY


left/right - walk

up - jump

down - crouch/use elevater

space - select

shift - drop/pickup weapon

z - stride

x - reload

c - fire



RhysAndrews 18 years ago

dude… shes more than smart or funny. she likes my music, she actually is REALLY funny as in she can make me laugh like crazy… shes romantic and kind and yeah

no im not just sayin that
Then why did you only boast the fact that she was hot? I mean, if you say she makes you laugh and likes your music, then so be it - but can you tell me why you think telling everyone she's HOT is more important than telling everyone she has similar interests as you?

besides, there is no such thing as true love. Im a teenager. I'm having fun w/it. in the end, its about having a good time right?? if we can make each other smile and feel happy, y not? and im always the guy who is freinds w/the girl after the breakup.
Wrong - there's such thing as True Love, but there's no definition for it… It's a form of love that someone personally feels is the ultimate for them. As teenagers our ability to love is much less than the ability to love for Adults - thus, if True Love had any meaning, it wouldn't be a relationship while being a teenager. The 'love' we experience with unrelated girls during teenager is Angst Love - and most of the time is 'broken' - Our hormones are still balancing out, we're still striking puberty (even if you don't think your bush could get any thicker).

BigxBen 18 years ago

You kinda just made up a definition there, Rhys. Lol

Cocopuffs 18 years ago

Quote: Rhys
True Love - Liking someone because they're hot. I wish. And don't just say "Yeah she's nice 'n' funny 'n' stuff too" because saying that just makes me further prove the point that her personality is second priority. I'd rather be a single guy than a teenage angst with no concept of what dating and having a girlfriend is for.
That sounds like an excuse to me.

Teenager years are about living for fun. They may not have true love, most teenagers won't. But he said he likes her personality, and he is not JUST dating her because she's hot. If he enjoys the relationship, and she enjoys the relationship, what's wrong with that? And the simple truth is most of these "True Love" relationships will start out as your so called "Angst Love" relationships. There is no such thing as love at first site, you have to get to know someone before you can truly fall in love with them. And what better way to get to know someone then dating?

What's your problem with saying she's hot. That's the teenage world, most of us don't care what his girlfriend and him have in common, all we care about is what she looks like. So that's all he bothered to tell us. I'm sure he could bore us about how perfect they are for each other.

I've been dumped and dumped other before. But I have never regretted any of my relationships (both :S). I gained valuable knowledge and had some great times.

Bottom line: He's happy, she's happy. If one of them isn't, they break up. leave it alone.

I dumped my old girlfriend (she flirted too much), so my valentines wasn't too special. I did get married for a day with some chick that likes me in some school yearbook thing. And yes, she is gorgeous. I might ask her out on an actual date, but I've been kind of liking being single again. It's a load off my shoulders, but a frown in my pants.

Good luck to you and your girl,


BlaXun 18 years ago

LIAR! I got a pretty hot babe too :D

Lets be friends for that xD

Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago


firestormx 18 years ago

It's not singles' awareness day, it's HAPPY FUCK YOU, I'M SINGLE day. Get it right. :(

Celldweller and the Crystal Method are awesome. I've never heard of the rest, but I'll check them out.

I'm gonna try out Crimson Sky in a little bit.

RhysAndrews 18 years ago

I'm just not a big fan of Angst love.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

The guy in the game, I think he has some sort of metal rod inserted into his rear end the way he walks slowly and stiffly.

hobomonkeyc 18 years ago

dude… shes more than smart or funny. she likes my music, she actually is REALLY funny as in she can make me laugh like crazy… shes romantic and kind and yeah

Forget that… Does she have a nice rack :)?

Maxcore 18 years ago

Yea RhysAndrews, does it really matter what her personality is like as long as she is hot and tolerable? I think you are trying to be to deep where you do not need to be. The great thing about teenage relationships is that you can do whatever you want, with little condequence. Kinda like the internet, and the internet is HOT.