[DSG] CRIMSON STAR: new screens + new functionality

Posted by DSG on Feb. 26, 2008, 1:12 a.m.



Added a few new rooms in the MAIBUU RAINLANDS, and a NEW FEATURE. for those of you who played the "demo", I've changed the functionality of the ghostmode.

Take a look at the screens. You can only enter and stay in ghost mode within 100 pixels of an anchor. Why? well, This adds the much needed puzzle element of the game. Some anchors move, some appear after acheiving small goals… etc.

The ghost mode is used for reaching places that you cannot walk to e.g. an elevated platform/under a bridge to turn a switch.

Ghost mode is finished as far as I'm concerned. =D

What MAIBUU RAINLANDS is becomming is actually a 3-world place: the MAIBUU RAINLANDS SOUTH [crash site], the MAIBUU RAINLANDS NORTH [location of the GHOSTMODE powerup and the entrance to the MAIBUU RUINS] and the MAIBUU CANAPY [location of the crimson temple]

p.s. the MAIBUU RUINS will be an extensive network of underground passageways, where a few power-ups are located and on the opposite side will be the entrance to the MAIBUU SANDLANDS =P

ALSO, who liked the soundtrack thus far? =P


Alert Games 17 years ago

The music is just as important as the graphics in this game. If you stay committed to the game, it will definately be successful. If you need any help, just let me know.

Also, i like the angled bridge. looks much better with it. im not sure about that flying limit thing, maybe have a time limit instead?(not using a time bar). Not sure what thats all about :P

DSG 17 years ago

@melee-master: the Metroid Prime series is really the driving inspiration for the game. =D

eagly 17 years ago

Ghost mode sounds like that game… Prey? Spirit walking and such.

But this is looking good. I would like to see this finished too. :) Good luck.

PY 17 years ago

mmmmkay, a game with MP being the driving influence for what I assume is the mood and stuff…

You -will- finish this.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years ago

I refuse to play this because you won't finish it.

ludamad 17 years ago

The backgrounds and ambient graphics seem to far outshine the character and object graphics.

sk8m8trix 17 years ago

Well people could get to far places by multiple sword spins.

DSG 17 years ago

@ludamad: …so?

ludamad 17 years ago

That tends to be bad for games, Deesgee.

DSG 17 years ago

@ludamad: yea? how so in this case? eh, it looks FINE to me.