Yep. That's right. I'm releasing a demo in about a week or 2, as soon as I can design a mini-adventure. The file size willbe around 50MB, So I don't know if 64 Digits will host it or not. Maybe as a favor they'll host it.I've made a lot of progress, thestory is fully written and everything for the final game isthere. I just need to build the environments, the boss battles,and other things. Yep. By theway, do you like the toad deity?—[ GAME COMPLETION: 40% ]—Screen shots would be up, butI don't have any new ones.ALSO.Why won't the file manager work? :/LAME.—[ RECENT DEVELOPMENTS ]—Well, the spirit collector is gone.That's ok, though. I'm makingmore enemies, and more aspectsof game play like swimmingunder water, ladders, more ghost-mode interactivity, etc.
only to bring me down :(I'm on dialup.
…but downloading this 50MB game will be so worth it. Seriously, I'll just leave it downloading overnight or something.It will probably take me 15 minutes to dwnload. Sounds awesome, can't wait.
I've been wanting to see that game in action. Your toad is creepy and ominous.
Thank you. RawrSpoon, cheer up. Gimme a week or 2.
You son of a bitch.
you hoe I was liek omg and then O;
anyway 50MB? that'll take me 30 seconds! that's way too long >:Dwell I just wonder how it'll be *ponders*That toad looks epic.
I'm totally hard right now.
I feel tricked but hey, two weeks.