We've run in to some problems.
BUT, before we get all depressed and contemplate suicide, I have new screenshots!
UPDATES: New hud, and I implemented ladders! They're fully functional, and it looks alot better in game as opposed to screenshots.

Anyway… I'm working on a save and load system that works like any old run-of-the-mill save system like you'd see on a gameboy game. Well, there's the problem. I don't know how to make one… because I suck. I want one that you can save your progress in 3 separate files, and when the exe opens, it always starts at the beginning screen yet will still remember the progress on each file. I want it to work just like a save system in any old video game e.g. Super Mario 64, Metroid Fusion, etc. I would assume the data would have to be saved externally, like maybe in a .dll or some text file that the exe can read in-game and write to in-game
Oh, right. I said you could play Depths.
Well, I need someone to program in the save system… because programming is not my forte and for some reason I just can't get this down. So therefore, I'd be giving them the .gmk file.
Depths is being built in GM7. I do not have GM8. So, you'll have to work with it in GM7. I need 3 save in the game, and I need it to remember what room he saved in, and a buttload of variable values.
e.g. let's say you just beat the first boss and go to save. Some of the variables in the game will look like this:
…and so on
I'll need to have the game save those variable values to an external file [unless you can make it work without one… somehow] and be able to read them when I run the game and tell it to load SAVE A for example.
Any takers?
I would totally be willing to do that.
Depths C++: Nothing was wrong, but we decided to start over anyway.
Thank you, sir Xemic. But honestly, I agree with your sentiment. Yea, I want to implement the save system now.
As long as you dont use persistant rooms or characters (which poses a more complex challenge) there isnt a big problem. Store every state you wish to save in a global array… save array to file. Bam.
BAMSeriously though, find a programmer. You should stick to graphics. It'll be best for the game anyway, since you can focus on the design of the game rather than the technical aspects.Finding a programmer willing to do it should be very easy.Like Kabob and I are saying, default game save fails. Also, getting a team together may be useful, but trust is such a huge issue that you'll probably get more done if you just do it yourself.