We've run in to some problems.
BUT, before we get all depressed and contemplate suicide, I have new screenshots!
UPDATES: New hud, and I implemented ladders! They're fully functional, and it looks alot better in game as opposed to screenshots.

Anyway… I'm working on a save and load system that works like any old run-of-the-mill save system like you'd see on a gameboy game. Well, there's the problem. I don't know how to make one… because I suck. I want one that you can save your progress in 3 separate files, and when the exe opens, it always starts at the beginning screen yet will still remember the progress on each file. I want it to work just like a save system in any old video game e.g. Super Mario 64, Metroid Fusion, etc. I would assume the data would have to be saved externally, like maybe in a .dll or some text file that the exe can read in-game and write to in-game
Oh, right. I said you could play Depths.
Well, I need someone to program in the save system… because programming is not my forte and for some reason I just can't get this down. So therefore, I'd be giving them the .gmk file.
Depths is being built in GM7. I do not have GM8. So, you'll have to work with it in GM7. I need 3 save in the game, and I need it to remember what room he saved in, and a buttload of variable values.
e.g. let's say you just beat the first boss and go to save. Some of the variables in the game will look like this:
…and so on
I'll need to have the game save those variable values to an external file [unless you can make it work without one… somehow] and be able to read them when I run the game and tell it to load SAVE A for example.
Any takers?
Yeah I don't really think a team is necessary, just get help on whatever pieces you need help with.
Not sure why trust would be a problem. A whole team surely wouldn't be necessary. Only thing DSG seems to need is a programmer, since I believe he does graphics, music and design all on his own.
And even then, the programmer is doing a job that any decent coder could do really nicely in a few hours.
This is kinda funny, DSG asks for help one specific thing and now some of you are saying "you should get somebody to program the entire game for you because you've obviously not done any programming yet." Personally I think it's best to do as much programming of your own games as possible.
Can I politely excuse myself from "everybody" in the above post? I'm not an idiot, you see.
At any rate, if you do the text file method, give it an alternate file extension. It won't keep it from being edited, but it'll ward off the more idiotic cheaters.
But if DSG lets someone else code the game for him in C++, the game is going to be faster (less frame rate drops) and perhaps even cross-platform compatible.
Game Maker is becoming cross-platform anyway and since we haven't played it yet how do you know if it needs to be faster.
For the sake of sanity why not just let DSG finish the game in gamemaker and then when it inevitably becomes super popular because DSG is just that awesome he can get a programmer to re-make it and he doesn't have to do anything.
GM can be plenty fast if you know how to use it. I have faith in this title.