So something different. I thought I'd redesign the ship, and document how it comes along. So, here's the new ship!

1. I started with a really basic sketch.
2. Gave it form, added some details.
3. Finished with the details, for now at least. added guns on the sides and engines on the top back.
4. Recolored the ship, so I could go over each shape with gradient.
5. Began with the lightest pixels first. Added a shine to various parts of the ship.
6. Pixeled in in the mid-tones.
7. finished with the pixeled shading and filled the rest in.
8. Opened the sprite in Ps and did some brushwork, put it back in the GM image editor and added some more details including the exhaust ports by the top engines, a few details on the body of the ship.
9. recolored in Ps and gave it a 2-tone metallic look.
10. Pixeled some lights and made them glow.
Oh… and by the way, since nobody commented last time on it, how do you like the new HUD? [these screens are from a few days ago]

btw. new avatar.
also new. Just look at those ladders in action.

HUD's okay, but it's weird that health is right aligned and on top of the bar, spirit is left aligned and on top of the bar, and item is left aligned and below the icon. IMO a little consistency'd be nice there.
You could just make the health green/red, the spirit blue, and remove all the labels.:O *no words*