So, here's a look at some of the early gameplay and game's opening [after the intro animations, of course]
You'll notice the new HUD, it's much cleaner. Also note the 'z' icon to the bottom right of the screen, it illuminates when the Z button can be used when interacting with a door, ladder, elevator, control panel etc.Here's a video of the gameplay, as you can see I've made quite a lot of progress.Sorry about the poor quality, does anyone have any suggestions for recording better? For sharper clarity:[DSG] Gameplay VIDEO.
Posted by DSG on Sept. 29, 2010, 2:15 a.m.
I think this is the one game I can't afford NOT to finish. The amount of time and effort I've put in to this… I jus can't let that go to waste. :]
@#10 - Even better.
By the way, as you can see from the video, the game starts out pretty eerie and ominous.
Also - mission objective: Find an object in the room which is 5 steps away and press Z?
Looks awesome. As in the graphics seem superb…but moar action plz? lol
@Cesque: it's the very very first objective, there ONLY to introduce the player to the system.
So, not only are the graphics great; the animations kick ass too.
Needs some music, I'd say, unless nothing you can compose can add to the eerie feeling. Then again, look to Portal. They did it pretty well.The sound effects are nice too, particularly the underground bit. Really sets the mood along with the kickass graphics.You know, a lot of the gameplay is portal-ish as well. A lot of strange puzzle solving and utilizing the environment.
Video looks fake.
And no way in hell does this play like portal, even if it was real. Its like impossible to claim just because something involves you doing puzzle solving and utilizing the environment means you're playing like portal. Portal is unique due to the sheer utilization you're using the environment and gravity, it becomes simple but complex in terms of movement. Even then Portal has that third dimension aspect, which is really what makes it so good.Sorry, tangent'd. Looks nice. The underground bit may be too dark initially, but I can't tell shit from the screen (being my screen).