[DSG] - Progress:10.27.10 UPDATED

Posted by DSG on Oct. 26, 2010, 5:56 a.m.


Well, a lot is new.

-Re-designed the water, too look more fluid, to blend in to more environments, to sparkle differently in different lighting, and it's also a bit darker looking.

TWO new environments.

I gave the Maibuu Rainlands a make-over, new lighting and tile schemes. Also, I had this idea for a "redlands" kind of area. I'm not sure what good it is, but it looks awfully pretty and it adds a little diversity. I understand that the backgrounds are similar with different colors, is that so bad? honestly? I'll likely re-make the redlands background, if I even have a place for the redlands. PLEASE POST YOUR OPINIONS, THEY INFLUENCE THE DIRECTION OF THE GAME.

UPDATE: 1 day's progress with the rainlands:

MORE NEW SHIT, made more tiles [the viney rocky arches, the overgrown broken tower, the massive stone colomns, etc]

I was also working on new enemies.

Made a few little changes to the story.

I added more to the game-play, so when a major section of game-play is done, I'll post it but at some point I'll have to keep all that a secret.


sirxemic 14 years, 4 months ago

Why are you re-doing so much? :(

Anyway, I like the screenshots but I don't like the fact that the building in the bg of Akerra Redlands is the same as the one of Maibuu Rainlands.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Just one question. Why is the architecture the same in every zone? Does it have a purpose or did creating new tilesets get too hard?

Alert Games 14 years, 4 months ago

Yeah i agree it would be nice to have a few distinct differences between some of the structures between zones.

Also, enemies are important, but really all these graphics just makes me want to play this for hours. It could be close to something like the minecraft phase. But id rather try this than try minecraft.


Eva unit-01 14 years, 4 months ago

I love the graphics. I just hope the actual gameplay is just as badass.

Infinity_Plus 14 years, 4 months ago

I would assume the architecture has a reason to be similar (perhaps a underlying theme or story-related?). If not, then more distinct buildings to help the user differentiate areas would be nice (aside from the overlaying color, of course). I still admire your work…

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

If your site's doing well, I might take you up on that someday if DSG doesn't. <_<

Alert Games 14 years, 4 months ago

@kilin: haha yeah, we'll see how it does.

i so wanna play this game though, but who knows how long it will take before it is completed. I say, make the levels, the story, the enemies, the action. Create a demo of this to gain interest, then work on the details, polish the story, make insanely awesome bosses, add music, create collectibles and more puzzles, etc.

its a lot of work for one person though. but maybe itll take less time than i think,.

flip 14 years, 4 months ago

You are a god at pixeling. Have my babies.

Scott_AW 14 years, 4 months ago

Repeating structure style isn't that big a deal, plus then you would have to design new sets for different structure designs, and I think everyone wants to play this sooner than later.

thernz 14 years, 4 months ago

so monochromatic