Posted by DSG on Jan. 3, 2011, 5:08 a.m.

Okay, listen.

There is a lot more to this game then you will see.

In fact, you will barely see anything relating to the story, because I'm keeping it under wraps.

The way I design is I'll work on everything at once, and the game will barely be playable until it's almost finished.

SO ALL THIS IS, is a tiny piece of the game, with most of the content taken out so that it can be of a downloadable size.

All this "demo" shows off is the environment as it will look in the final product. The environment has a few enemies, and you have infinite health.

The game is still buggy so WHEN YOU FIRST RUN THE GAME, PRESS F5, and USE THE BUILT IN SAVING FEATURE for if/when you get stuck or encounter a bug.

The demo area is pretty damn small. Doors at the end simply won't work. But I'm pretty sure you won't fall off the map.



Z: To grab, enter ghost mode [where possible], interact, and to go threw doors that are not on your side. [the "z" icon at the bottom right of the HUD will illuminate when usable.]

X: To draw/fire your gun.

C: To jump or exit crouching.

A: To strife.

S: nothing important, but cool.

There are 4 golden spinning icons to find. Have fun.

Double-tapping down will make you crouch. Press "C" to get back up.

Space will "pause the game". If you can't move, you may have accidentally paused the game, so press space again.

Use "Z" to grab on to ledges. to jump off ledges, you must press "C" WHILE looking in the direction you want to jump [using the arrow keys].

And please, be sure to take the time to enjoy the sun set and sun rise, they're quite pretty.

Alright, 64D, here you go.

And remember, this is not a demonstration of game play. All I can release is a graphical demo at the moment. I wish I could release more, but before it's finished, I won't be releasing anything big.

I figured you guys could at least see what's new the way I see it, I hope you enjoy it.

Any advice, comments, ideas, criticism, or questions are welcomed.


IMPORTANT: By downloading this file, you are agreeing not to distribute, decompile, take from, or edit this file in any way, shape, or form.






I like it.

I was shocked when I saw it.

I thought it was just a myth.

But anyway, smoother and more dramatic day to night transitions.


from top to bottom left, day to night.

from top to bottom right, night to day.


DFortun81 14 years, 2 months ago

That does not look like a Game Maker game. Far too awesome to be true.

DSG 14 years, 2 months ago

stfucyrus, ily.

A lot of the game play is still in progress, really not ready to reveal all of it until it works, ya know?

Mordi 14 years, 2 months ago

Looks flippin' A, but work on the gameplay rather than posting pics of the new pixel in the sky next time!

DSG 14 years, 2 months ago

I am working on the gameplay lol

Alert Games 14 years, 2 months ago

I can wait, but dont take too long that I forget about this

DSG 14 years, 1 month ago

And, for some reason, it's not on the activity feed. Lame.

DSG 14 years, 1 month ago

Here's your demo.

Cesque 14 years, 1 month ago

I feel bad for saying the following, but:

I love it.

I love the trees shaking in the foreground and I love the glow of your projectiles disappearing in the doorways and I love all the other little details. I found the character movement fine, and I considered the controls overcomplicated at first as well, but got used to them pretty quick (yes, even the ledge climbing). Oh, and I didn't encounter any bugs. Apart from the ones that attacked me. Ha. Ha.

One complaint I can come up with is that the areas feel claustrophobic and disconnected. Apart from a shared theme, they just don't seem to create a bigger image of some place, just a bunch of random rooms. But maybe that's just because of how short the demo is.

One thing I am genuinely concerned about is the file size. This horribly short demo is 37 MB. How much will the final game be, 3 GB?

sirxemic 14 years, 1 month ago

And remember, this is not a demonstration of game play.

Anyways, the fact that I can't shoot straight up pisses me off.

DSG 14 years, 1 month ago

@sir Xemic: Yes you can.