-DSG- New Game Play Video with multiple enemies!

Posted by DSG on Nov. 12, 2012, 1:20 p.m.

Hello 64digits! I'm writing this blog on my iPhone, I just got out of class and wanted to get this video up ASAP. Alright, so what I have for you today is a new video showing off a few new enemies and gameplay elements, as well as the new soundtrack to the Maibuu Jungle Ruins :D Without further ado, here's that video, yo.

If the video fails to embed, the URL is:


That's the mobile link but I'm sure you'll get there.

Comments, critique, and suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Also, for your enjoyment. Most of you probably won't like this, but eh. whatever.


sirxemic 12 years, 3 months ago

Great graphics. As always.

Therefore, feedback on the other stuff, in case this game actually gets finished and just in case you didn't think of it:

- I didn't expect the music to be so bright right at the start. Assuming the player just arrived at that area, I'd start with some dark/mysterious music, to reflect the mystery of an undiscovered area. After 'getting used to' the environment, I'd make it as bright as it is in the video.

- In fact, I'd do the same for the level design - start with only a few enemies here and there, to introduce the player to the battling concept, and let the greatness of a big, undiscovered planet sink in for a while until some point, where the player should be ready for 'the real thing'.

(Summarized, I think I have a decent feel for level design on a bigger scale.)

- The movement of the enemies at 0:44 seem a bit too bouncy. I suggest making them idle regularly (will also reduce the synchronized movement)

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

@sirXemic: Yea, actually those are all good ideas… I think I'll make a darker remix of the track to play when the character first lands here. ^^

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

I still wonder how the fuck you can make all the art for Depths. Even considering having a lot of talent, that must take a lot of time in general too considering how much stuff in the background/foreground/etc Depths has just for visual appeal.

I wish I had 1/10 of your art making ability.

Toast 12 years, 3 months ago








Astryl 12 years, 3 months ago

Looking good, as always.

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

^^ Ahh, i'm so productive lately, like nothing but solid, tangible progress.

Astryl 12 years, 3 months ago

I'm jealous. Maybe I'll spend a few days working on one of my projects before I begin the eternal hunt again.

Alert Games 12 years, 3 months ago

Looking great. Also, I'm sure you could find people to do level design for relatively cheap if they are not busy people.

I don't mind some of Nero's songs, but I only listen every so often

also use my api kthx

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

Some of those rooms in the gameplay video are really really noisy, visually.

I think you could do with darkening/highlighting different tile depths (lol) more significantly, to make platforms stand out a bit more from the tiles behind them, the highlights do this alright, but I think it'd look better with more depth (lol).

Other than that, this is amazing. I like how detailed big illustrations are, like the tree at the end. The foresty background is filled to the brim with glowy, bloomy goodness.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

^^ Ahh, i'm so productive lately, like nothing but solid, tangible progress.

As opposed to the wonderful feeling of writing 1000 lines of code, except that the code doesn't really add anything you can visually see to the game.