<p align=center><b>Ode to a Small
Lump of Green SpamI Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning</b>Oh freddled gruntbuggly,Thy micturations are to meAs plurdled gabbleblotchitsOn a lurgid bee.Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromesAnd hooptiously drangle meWith crinkly bindlewurdles,Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,See if I don't!</p>——-New avatar - thats how I feel when viewing the GMC. But me and FredFrederickson are both looking into 2D sprite to 3D prism conversion techniques, and mine is coming along rather well - you've all seen me blather about 2D poly to 3D prism stuff, and 2D sprite to 2D poly is much tougher if you want to auto-generate it (and I know how ^_^) The theory behind it is simple as a whole, but the steps themselves are complex, and implementation itself is the programming equivalent of the Devil. Okay, not really, I've just been busy at work and haven't had time to code much.I cant wait to see what Fred does though.——-DrMoreau finally made another Twilight Zone game - his Eye of the Beholder will always be one of my favorite GM games. - http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=314268 - The Zanti MisfitsIts not as fun as I had hoped, but its still pretty sweet. Here is Eye of the Beholder - it is pure awesome. http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=160023&hl=——-Represent!Skidmark PhysicsExquisite Lava ExampleYeah, bump dem topics. They are good examples of mine and are being ignored over stuff like " Pokémon Goldensky Engine" which doesnt even belong in the FAQ/Tutorial section.——I'm thinking about setting up some sort of contest - gamedev of course. Suggestions?——I got a PM from someone who I guess likes my 3D modeler.
From mrsmes i have a idea i think if you could create a model editor then you could make a 3d room editor and object editor and effect maker and 3d game maker all in one with c++ since your so talented with it and you you could give examples and instructions on how to use the code in your help file and some action libraries and a action library maker and extension maker and then people would stop bugging you about to do more stuff in 3d.maybe then you could make a maker for the console language like xbox and playstation after learning how that language works and then tell us where we can get something to make our own consoles and then have every console language to exist in that console game creation shareware and all the features of game maker and 3d game maker.Please just those three things and i will stop bugging you and start telling more users who would like to make 3d games and those who want to put them on to a console if they think it's worth it. also people would find it great and easy to use then some one can make a engine maker to make dlls for it and a tycoon maker to make a tycoon game of their own.
Strange poem XD
That poem's from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I WIN!
W00t gamedev, finally a chance for me to pwn…
Only the first time?
Game Pwners probably pwning himslef all over the bathroom.
Dont ask.I really don't want to go there!
yey for hitchiking
Oh yes. Remember you told me that Hitchhikers Guide was better in book form a while back? Well I bought it about a month ago. The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide. It look like the bible and has all books from the series in it [:D]