GMC Cage Match - now vs Vivid Conceptions!

Posted by DesertFox on May 20, 2006, 9:47 a.m.

Wow, my new opponent for the GMC Cage Match has arrived, and it's a doozy! Vivid conceptions! By Mr Chubigans! Wow!

If I'm going to beat his game, I'm going to need all the 64Digits support I can get! I'm not kidding, either. He was the creator of The Sandbox of God! I'm doooooooomed! (but hopefully not)

So now we have superior graphics and a good storyline vs my color-changing hero in search of his girlfriend.

Cage match here! Support Qube!


ludamad 18 years, 9 months ago

Be careful, you made this blog twice.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 9 months ago

Dude, you're gonna get owned in CageMatch. Vivid Conceptions should have no problem beating Qube

Currently he is winning 9 to 7

Josea 18 years, 9 months ago

no offence, but you''re going to get PWNED

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

I know it is almost certain doom… I'm hoping to put up a valiant fight, though!

ludamad - sorry about that :)

V 18 years, 9 months ago

ok, ur screwed for the moment. 8-12

Kenon 18 years, 9 months ago


Gotta be hard to beat the chubigans…

Joewoof 18 years, 9 months ago

Vivid Conceptions is a fine looking game. This is gonna be one hell of a fight.

DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

Wow - it's really close! 14-16 with Vivid Conseptions in the lead by 2!