-E- Finished competition

Posted by Evilish on Dec. 20, 2007, 10:46 p.m.

5662 views as of writing this

.:Silent Night:.

The final version has been released now on YYG, I did all the whole e-mail to YYG and all that for the competition entry.


So clicky, check it out, don't worry because I'll upload it to 64Digits soon too.

The game package includes

- Fully working client, with all found bugs fixed

- Level Editor, that loads old level formats(from my previous blog), now also includes more textures/ability to texture the level.

- C++ powered server, which takes a minimal amount of memory and CPU to run, so you can easily run both a server and client on the same computer.

- Map pack included, which has 4 levels all ranging in how many vertexes they have (the largest is around ~1900 vertexes, lagged for me)

So thats it, it's all finally done, another game under the belt eh. This means I can probably get back to work on my other projects (which I know anger2headshot will be pleased about).

And well… anyone wanna play a game soon?


But on a general interest sorta topic, if you did win the YYG competition and the $1000 USD, what would you do with the money?

Buy rocket launchers to take down YYG?

I'm thinking of buying computer parts and building my own, that way I can get a way faster computer for less AND I can choose what OS I put on it. Damn you Vista


Evilish 17 years, 2 months ago

I hope they don't notice that whole 'doesn't use instant play mechanism' thing, as that concept really really sucks

[UG]UmbrellaFan 17 years, 2 months ago

First of all great game. The levels are nice and balanced and the system is easy to understand.

Now for the money part. I would upgrade my computer to futher outshine yours :P

Also when you said your gonna build your own are you gonna build it yourself or am i going to get a phone call to build it for you.

F1u 17 years, 2 months ago

Is vista really as bad as everyone sez it is? I'm getting a laptop, and it has vista. :[

[UG]UmbrellaFan 17 years, 2 months ago

Since Vista is still new there are still alot of bugs that need to be fixed.Also another reason is Vista's high system requirements to run. At this point in time it is I feel best to stick to XP. Plus if you get Window Blinds you can enjoy Vista theme (Minus Aero) in Windows XP.

stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

Yup, stick with XP for now.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago

Omg, guys. Just because you sit with Vista for two seconds doesn't mean you know all the advantages to it. Also, there aren't NEARLY as many bugs as XP had.

What to expect from a newer OS than higher specifications? You need AT LEAST 1GB of RAM, for one.

Work with the times. I suggest XP if you're a Vista-phobic, which 94% of people here ARE, because they're too stubborn to go find out for themselves. They take the majority because it's the majority.

I've lived with it for five months, and I've had no regrets or thoughts of downgrading. Fortunately, the most stubborn Vista-hater, J@D, is gaining respect for it because of its ability to run ENIGMA games.

There's my rant for the day. No more on how bad Vista is, mmmmk? <_<

mixahman 17 years, 2 months ago

Your download session has expired. Please try again.

can't play, sorry


Is vista really as bad as everyone sez it is? I'm getting a laptop, and it has vista. :(
get the ultimate version & downgrade to xp, then when vista works install it. MS gives u a freebee xp pro key in the mean time. lol

P.S. I've used vista, bad part is that it was in spanish & I can't change the language. cheap version. Second, it complains to much. I don't like that it ask 3 times if I want to open a freakin program. I clicked on it.. seems like I do want it open!!!

plus too many programs I use don't work on it.

Castypher 17 years, 2 months ago

If you want speed, go '98. =P

@mixahman: Actually, you're right about the nagging. They take EXTRA security measures, though I always allow it without looking. Get past that and it's fine.

They offer a free downgrade key because they know people don't like it because…it's new. So with the "bugs" and incompatibilities, wouldn't it be nice to work with an OS that you know for a little longer until Vista has some patches?


Well, poor YYG is also getting battered. They're trying to please people, but are having technical issues, as well. =/

I don't have any problems with them…besides their terrible staff choices. Sure they choose good games, but they also chose "Go Up."

That was utterly pathetic for them to do. <_<

Now, I'm not bashing on the game, as I personally found it kinda fun. But it had resource sprites, and it was obvious to even a fool that the designer used Charas sprites. It just…wasn't meant to be a staff pick. Ah, well, no use taking back their staff decision. <_<

Evil, I'll play with you whenever. My personal favorite is StarFox Command, as it has a nice, hard ranking system. We could get Pacman in, too. Though I doubt Josea got it, he might play… =D

Firebird 17 years, 2 months ago

Vista sucks, Server 08 is much better.

Evilish 17 years, 2 months ago

Vista has an incompatibility with this game.

Nuf' said