Write a letter to the 15 year old you

Posted by Fabio on Feb. 1, 2012, 1:28 a.m.

This is a fun little writing exercise. Here's mine–I want to see yours!

It’s 2012 and I’m 4 years wiser than you are so you better listen to me and you better listen good.

Enjoy every single second you have with Matt, Dane, Kellan, Jordyn, and Chase. I know it’s hard to believe right now but one day you’re not going to have them around so much any more. Quit taking the friendship you have with these guys for granted and start cherishing what they mean to you now. You’ll never have that again, ever.

And I know that you’re probably still in the puppy love stage with Sarah. Cherish that, and don’t treat her like shit. Don’t act like a sorry asshole when you know that she’s doing everything she can to cheer you up. I know it’s hard to control your emotions right now and your hormones are in turmoil, but it’s no excuse to act like a dick to someone who cares about you.

Make an effort to talk to your dad more. Although you don’t realize it yet, you and him are similar in more ways than you can imagine. He isn’t home all the time, so make sure that when he is, you make time to have talks with him. Ask him about what things were like when he was your age. Talk to him about baseball. Ask him about papa.

Quit stressing your mother out with school. Just do your homework, seriously. I know you can. And you better enjoy the shit out of her constant home cooked meals, because those won’t be around forever. Take some time to thank her for all the hard work she does around the house.

I know, the Yankees didn’t make the playoffs this year. Don’t lose faith in Girardi so soon, though. 2009 is going to be a good year. The Eagles aren’t going to get better, at least not yet. You’re allowed to hate the Patriots for a few more years but it will soon be time to let that go as well.

Get to know your little sisters more. Talk to them about anything. One day you’re going to leave the house and really regret not getting to know them better. They’re going through almost the same things you are right now, and trust me, you’ll be able to relate to them better than almost anyone, even if they are girls.

I know things are crazy right now. But you’re gonna make it. You’re gonna make it.


Ronnica 13 years ago

Dear Little Rowdy,

The future is cold and desolate- because you've moved to Alaska! Life after school becomes difficult so make sure you take that scholarship from Sprott-Shaw and make the effort to get to class. Do NOT piss off mom bad enough that she kicks you out. Believe me, it can happen. You'll end up living with a good-for-nothing boy and working two jobs just to come home depressed and even more suicidal. It's sooooo not worth it.

Speaking of mom, RESPECT HER! It hurts her more to beat you than it does to be beaten. Support her silly dreams because it works out. Be nice to daddy, no matter how stupid he can be. Give your brother some space in school. Stop embarrassing him in front of his friends. Be nice to him and ask him to draw with you more. Buy him a toy mini-cooper, he'll love it. Take Alex and Natalia out more, go biking and jumping on the trampoline. PUT DOWN THE CELLPHONE. HE JUST GETS YOU INTO TROUBLE. Trust me.

Stop skipping gym and go. Take up kick boxing, you love it. Being fit will make you feel more confident, believe me. Also, get a hair straightener sooner. It works WONDERS!! You'll break about 5. Two of them not yours =P Buy a couple of pairs of high heels and learn to walk properly sooner, because you look soooooo hot in them when you're older.

Be nicer to Johnn, Kyle, Patrick, Jaed, Shawn, Mexicans, and bugs. Also, not everyone needs to see you naked on webcam.

…So yeah. Love you!


Old and Fat Rowdy in Alaska. Don't ask how I got here. It's a surprise ;]

Quietus 13 years ago

here's mine:

"God you are so fucked"

Castypher 13 years ago


Ronnica suki.

I made it to the same level as bugs!

Astryl 13 years ago

Dear 15 year old me, don't bother with YoYoGames, jump directly to http://64digits.com and have no regrets. Then stop trying to make the next Quake Killer in GM/C++ and start learning more.

Oh, and your computer will fry on 14th of April, not long after you read this.

Kunedon 13 years ago

Dear 15 year old self,



Your future self

firestormx 13 years ago

Dear 15 year old me,

You will see a post about writing to your 15 year old self, and be made to laugh.

Also, you just released a pretty crappy website. Make it better damnit, and never release v3. The v3 is a myth was lots of fun.

On a more serious note, you're going to become an asshole. Also, you're about to go from miserable to the happiest kid in the world for the next few years. Enjoy it while you can, so you can relax and sink back into the misery at 21.

Animaster78900 13 years ago

Dear 15 year old self:

Your freshmen year has just ended, next couple of years your gonna almost fail all your classes then pull your head out of your ass in the last month. You my friend, are the most bad ass "i can do everything last second" person I'd ever known. but seriously, this wont help you, try passing everything in the beginning of each year so you maintain that 2.8 GPA you had at the end, it will open up more opportunities for you in the future, right now, you are working in a call center going crazy because almost every caller is an asshole.

So don't screw that up! Be a firefighter like you wanted, start working out now you scrawny shit. . And also, get a fucking license or a permit, you don't have a drivers license yet, its annoying, you cant go anywhere! During your junior year, start signing up for scholarships, you aren't in college yet you lazy jackass. I hope you take this advice, because being successful is a lot more awesome then being stuck in a job that sucks the life out of you. Don't waste your life man, its not worth it, sure lazy is fun at first, but you get bored really easy, and don't get a lot of sleep.

Take care man,

-your future self.

Rob 13 years ago

Dear 15 year old Rob:

Get the fuck off 64digits or else you will never end up finishing a game. Don't succumb to the mind-altering code!

Oh fuck. I forgot I joined at 14, not 15. I guess even at 15 it's too late.

Eva unit-01 13 years ago

Dear 15 year old me:

Did you get my last message?

Reply back if you did, hear from you soon.

-Future me