Look over there!
All users now have their comment history available under their user profile to the left.Report any bugs or problems below.Happy stalking!Look over there!
All users now have their comment history available under their user profile to the left.Report any bugs or problems below.Happy stalking!
Well of course I don't just want the button hidden (I can do that myself), I want my comments history page taken down or at least made visible to moderators only.
I don't post much on the internet as a general rule. This site really is the big exception. You don't have to share in my paranoia but you should respect my wishes here, especially since this is a feature you made public without any kind of discussion. There are definitely comments I've made in the past that identify who I am irl and I don't have the time to comb through and delete all of them. We obviously don't share an opinion on this, but since it's my comment history I should have the ability to control how that information is made available.