Three weeks ago I started working on another Mario fangame.

///Spiketop logic!
if (speed > 0) {
if (xscale == 1) {
//Check if there's no floor on the way.
if (place_meeting(x + lengthdir_x(speed + 1,direction - 90),y + lengthdir_y(speed + 1,direction - 90),obj_solid) == false) {
direction -= 90;
//Make sure it's all the way onto the next side before doing any collision checks.
x += hspeed;
y += vspeed;
//Make contact with the new surface
move_contact_object(direction - 90,speed,obj_solid);
//Otherwise, check if he ran into a wall.
else if (place_meeting(x + lengthdir_x(speed,direction),y + lengthdir_y(speed,direction),obj_solid)) {
//Rotate it so it's moving up the wall.
direction += 90;
//Make full contact with the wall.
move_contact_object(direction - 90,speed,obj_solid);
//Assuming that the spiny is moving left and on the ground,
else if (xscale == -1) {
//This checks *below* the spiny since you're double negating the direction... It's confusing but it works.
if (place_meeting(x - lengthdir_x(speed - 1,direction + 90),y - lengthdir_y(speed - 1,direction + 90),obj_solid) == false) {
direction += 90;
//Make sure it's all the way onto the next side before doing any collision checks.
x -= hspeed;
y -= vspeed;
//Make contact with the new surface
move_contact_object(direction + 90,speed,obj_solid);
//Otherwise, check if he ran into a wall.
else if (place_meeting(x - lengthdir_x(speed ,direction),y - lengthdir_y(speed,direction),obj_solid)) {
//Rotate it so it's moving up the wall.
direction -= 90;
//Make full contact with the wall.
move_contact_object(direction + 90,speed,obj_solid);
Here's something I added this morning
That looks so amazing! Usually I don't like fangames, but Mario fangames are an exception, especially those with custom graphics.
EDIT: I tried the engine test. It worked fine, but it felt like Mario has too much mass: he accelerates too slowly, but when he has speed, it feels like it takes too much time to slow down and change direction. This is just my opinion, though.
=3This is looking pretty spectacular. Can't wait to see it complete
So I added some explosives on the engine
That "Bom!" effect looks awesome, I must admit.
this game so sooooooooooooooooooo SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKKKKKKK :D:D
So I made days ago a gameplay video of the engine
Dr. Mario or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bob-omb
Games looking dope. Keep it up