GSMB3Engine Dev Blog

Posted by Gatete on Feb. 23, 2016, 5:46 a.m.

I bet everyone remembers that Super Mario Bros. 3 engine made by a user called "DrJellik".

K, this time I'm doing a replica of the SMB3 engine with Game Maker: Studio from scratch


I'll provide more info about the engine as I progress with it ;)


Astryl 8 years, 11 months ago

List of good fangames that "made it big"

> Black Mesa

> GoldenEye: Source

> Doom 64 EX

> DoomRL

> Tales of Maj'Eyal (Started out as a fan tribute to the Lord of the Rings universe)

> Organ Trail (An obvious Oregon Trail "rip-off" that stands on its own merit)

> Mega Man Unlimited (Stands above some official Capcom entries to the series)

> Street Fighter X Mega Man (Officially endorsed by Capcom)

> Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes

> Battlestar Galactica: Beyond the Red Line

> AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake)

> Rockman 7 FC (NES/Famicom style "demake" of Megaman 7)

> Rockman 8 FC (Actually makes the 8th game a decent play)

> Mega Man Super Fighting Robot (Superb game that does the series proud)

> The Torchlight Series (Started out as a Diablo 2 fan tribute)

Go play some of them instead of hounding other people for doing something you may or may not think is 'correct' in Your View of game development.

I originally had a much longer thing written down, but it boils down to not everybody is making games for profit, it's just a hobby to some or a fulfilment of their own desires.

Fangames hurt literally nobody, and if you think they do, you're insecure in your original ideas.

Live and let live (And get back to making stuff you crazy bastards, life's wasting).

Gatete 8 years, 11 months ago

I just remembered something from the original game.

You can get a item on the map that allows you to break some rocks from the map. But If you get more after breaking all the rocks. Those hammers become useless.

If would be a good idea to add an option to delete items from the inventory that are not longer needed.

Phoebii 8 years, 11 months ago

Let me edit out totally It shouldn't be there.

Let's put it this way, I can't disagree with anything he said.

Gatete 8 years, 11 months ago

Here you can see the list of current enemies implemented on the engine.

The big versions of the enemies share scripts with the small versions.

And there's more to come

Omega_Squid 8 years, 11 months ago

I remember reading an article (a LONG time ago, quick googling doesn't even give me any relevant info) that there are only 7 original ideas, and that everything else we do is derivative from them.

Ergo there's not literally 7 original ideas and we don't necessarily live in a mercantilist creator society where originality is a fixed commodity with finite quantities already exploited, but the gist was that it's not necessarily the individual parts that create originality, it is the sum of its parts.

Execution is what differentiates two otherwise identical ideas.

TL;DR - I don't mind fan games if they implement the creator's vision, and I wholly welcome and support anyone who comes up with original concepts. But let's remember that there are only so many game play concepts…a shooter is still a shooter, a platformer is a platformer, etc if you want to boil it down far enough.

Phoebii 8 years, 11 months ago

10th century metal? I'm going to listen to this for next 10 hours.

I realize how many of these "new" innovations have been done before.

Game's are still young, so innovate before it's too late!

100 years later it will be a lot harder to make something new =P

Gift of Death 8 years, 11 months ago

The latter one could indeed pass for a modern folk metal song if we added an electric guitar there. How awesome is that. :D

(The violinist always gets me in this one)

Gatete 8 years, 11 months ago

Here I come with another .gif

This time I added 4 new enemies (Well, only 2 enemies with 2 different behaviours xD)

Gatete 8 years, 11 months ago

Here's another .gif for you guys. This time I added Piranha Plants and Venus Fire Traps.

You can set up how many fireballs the venus fire traps will spit on the Creation Code.

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 11 months ago

how many things are you planning on replicating? everything?