GBlog 2

Posted by Glen on Oct. 22, 2008, 9:05 p.m.

I've completed the homepage to my personal website where I will be hosting all my projects, artwork, and music. [Note: all there is, is a homepage. The links take you no where] The content may not be 100% up to date but the design is. If you don't mind taking a look at it, here's a link to my website. I'll be working on the sub pages for the next few days. It all depends on how much time I find to actually work on it. I'm also trying to spare some time for my Halloween game and I have exams in several classes this week.

My website is suppose to have a creative feel instead of a professional/business feel to it. I want to show creativity in my site so you may experience an artsy feel to it.

I'd just like to ask a few questions:

    1. Is the font too small? I mean, honestly is it not legible? If you can't read it, tell me. 2. Is the design all messed up in your browser? Do things look completely out of place? What brower are you using? 3. Does the page stretch at all for you? I need to know if it's too wide. 4. Did the page have a slow upload? The images all together are about 160kb…
I'm using Gimp and Gamemaker built in paint program for the artwork and just doing trial and error with the html using notepad. I should probably get Dreamweaver or something of the like to make things easier.


flashback 16 years, 4 months ago

The blue spirograph is a tad cheesy. Other than that, nice job.

Glen 16 years, 4 months ago

yea, I needed to find put something there. I keep changing that image.

[deleted user] 16 years, 4 months ago

The padding and borders all seem inconsistant to me, but that may just be because of the different types of things in each, either way, you need to unify it a bit more, I think.

I think the header text is too thin, maybe if you bolded them it would fix it, you should also probably make the boxes the headers are in bigger than the headers, it'll look nicer.

Also, why are you writing in third person? It's your website so you don't need to be so informal.

PY 16 years, 4 months ago

Text is too thin, the spirographs are quite out of place, borders need to be larger on some of the things, it looks like the text is touching the bg, and it's another silly website that doesn't look right on widescreen monitors.

Other than that, well done :)

Glen 16 years, 4 months ago

Its written in third person because when it's submitted into google and other engine's the word "Glen" would be picked up rather than the words "I/me/myself" all over the page. Alot of times when you go to search something and you type the in your keyword, the keyword you typed in will be highlighted within the pages that appear after the search. It's just a precaution.

SixWinged 16 years, 4 months ago

Needs moar padding.