My Latest Project

Posted by Glen on April 5, 2009, 12:22 p.m.

Glad to see 64D isn't completely dead anymore. Recently I've taken the challenge of creating an OSG (One Script Game). In a OSG there's no use of sprites, objects, scripts, etc… Everything is managed by you and your code. No external resources either. A person should be able to take the code, put it in room creation and be able to play the game.

As hard of a task as it is, it's mainly a learning process. Being able to manage everything myself, rather than letting game maker do it all for me. Several games are floating around and are called OSG's. Among them are Pong and Snake games. My goal is to make a game similar to the flash game fl0w found here:

My goal is to be able to manage my graphics through mathematical equations and efficiently simulate a water environment.

At the moment, I have 529 lines of code and this includes a basic organism as the player, a movement system, a smaller organism to feed on, and a respawn system.

Before I release a demo of my OSG, I would like to have a growing system in which the appearance of my organism is altered as it feeds on others. Simple variable changes can be added to make parts longer/wider than they were and add new parts to the chain-like body. That and I want to add some aquatic plants to the scenery, and possibly bubbles. All depending if there's lagging issues.

So far, 529 lines of code without a single fps drop. 60 fps every time.


ludamad 15 years, 10 months ago

OSGs are easy. Just refresh the IO handler for keyboard and mouse stuff, and add sprites from file (or draw with primitives if you think thats cheap). It's just less organized.

Glen 15 years, 10 months ago

Making a decent looking OSG without lag is not so easy.

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 10 months ago

Whenever I try to make an OSG and succeed, I always seem to have to switch computers. I made a remake of my first game first… my laptop fried. I tried to do it again on an older computer… I got my laptop back and when I switched back I wasn't able to get the source. >_<

Good luck with the OSG, they're pretty fun. Can't wait to play yours. :D

Cesque 15 years, 10 months ago

OSGs are fun. Good luck!