Room Editor

Posted by Glen on Nov. 16, 2009, 7:40 p.m.

I'm building a separate room editor to work on my games and save rooms as external files and have them load on room startup. I thought of several features I fail to see and wish to implement in my editor.

-Rotate objects

-Object Fill (fills in a selected area)

-Scale objects

-Stretch objects

-Lock Individual objects

-Precise object selection (you ever have a problem when two objects are close together and no matter what, when you go to delete one they both are removed from the room? I want an option to choose which object to delete if there's an issue like this.)

-Detailed object viewer. (When you select an object in the default room editor, all you see is the name of the object and in cases when you have alot of objects, the list of objects is extremely long and annoying to go through. I'd prefer having a thumbnail to distinguish each object (along with the object name) and have a smooth scrollbar to ease browsing.)

-Selection Tool (Select multiple objects)

-Delete multiple objects

-Move multiple objects (not just a move all objects button. This applies to the objects selected with selection tool)

Have any other features that would be useful? This editor will be released to everyone once done.


SteveKB 15 years, 3 months ago

I remember making an editor for my halloween game a while back, it created the tiles for the game which would be loaded in order to prevent the game from having to waste time with gm's room. It had a fill option were i would fill the solid tile after I created the outline of a wall or block.

Acid 15 years, 3 months ago

Undo/Redo that tracks every action made.

Glen 15 years, 3 months ago

@meow44- Tile functions would be nice too I guess.

@Acid- I forgot to add that to my list. I hate how limited the redo button is. A log of all your changes should be made. 1 undo/redo is not enough.

Avenger 15 years, 3 months ago

If you could scale/stretch objects, what about coloring them seperately?

DSG 15 years, 3 months ago

how bout back clicking on an object to insert personalized code per object, e.g. say u have some boxes and each has a different item, back click on one, and type in code like " item=4 " and the object will impliment it after the create event

Alert Games 15 years, 3 months ago

Layers. Ability to see the objects in order according to their depths, and a field(option) to show only objects with those depths. (makes it 100% easier for 3D game making)

@DarkSirrusGames: uhhh, thats already in Game Maker under creation code….

sirxemic 15 years, 3 months ago

@DarkSirrusGames: uhhh, thats already in Game Maker under creation code….
Except we are talking about a custom room editor here, so shhh.

Replace function?

Tizabet 15 years, 3 months ago

@DarkSirrusGames For GM's built in version of what you're asking for, hold control and right click the object you want special code for. Then choose "Creation Code…" If I remember correctly, it happens BEFORE the create event, but I'm sure you can make that work for you. :)

membrain 15 years, 3 months ago

zoom… this feature ALONE would let me die a happy developer. You know how annoying it is to precisely build HUGE ASS levels in an editor that can't zoom!

Mordi 15 years, 3 months ago

- Zoom

- Minimap

- Show/Hide certain objects