Eye Screaming Games

Posted by Glen on Sept. 15, 2010, 9:30 a.m.

Do you like games that make it hard to focus? Such as games with strobe lights and screen shaking? I wanna know what your opinions are. I know some people like the challenge. Of course any game like this would have a very clear warning for people who may suffer from epilepsy.

I played a few games recently. Arcade genre in mind. And they usually consisted of a few colors and the effects were very flashy and bright. Just wanna know if its attractive to people. Is it more intense? Wanted?

I'm not creating a game like this. I'm just doing a little survey/feedback thing. I like seeing pretty graphics without killing my eyes.


PY 14 years, 5 months ago



RC 14 years, 5 months ago


I hate games that I cannot look at for more than 5 seconds.

DesertFox 14 years, 5 months ago

It depends on how they are done. Sometimes, you can have flashy effects that are well done. I like those.

Ones that are seemingly slapped on?

Hatred. Intense hatred.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

Games like that I don't hate: most of Cactus' games.

Ferret 14 years, 5 months ago

Only if I get hurt or something where it's a punishment D:

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

Flashy effects are one thing. Nonstop eye rape is another. Nobody likes eye rape games.

Zaron 14 years, 5 months ago

That's not so bad. :/

Flashy effects are fine used in moderation, but the games that spam them constantly and make the colors dance around in a non-stop hellish seizuregasm is something I could live without.

Mush 14 years, 5 months ago

I was thinking the same thing, Xemic.

Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

Someone done broke the game.

Anyone see those creepy(most-likely rom-hacked) haunted Majora's Mask game videos?

blackhole 14 years, 5 months ago

Anything that obscures vision is bad game design. The worst idea ever invented was when they make it harder to see the more you are hurt - while this makes sense in real life, in a video game, obscuring the vision will simply guarantee that the player dies even faster.

This is made even more stupid when you realize that games are often more fun when you can survive a near-death situation. By making it harder to survive tense situations, games are shooting themselves in the foot. You want to give the player as many options as possible for surviving a deadly situation.