3D online war game idea
heh i had this wacky crazy insane idea to make a MMO war game, in full 3d. Would include planes, tanks, lots of explosives, and much other stuff. But now im wondering if its even possible with GM, online and 3D? Both im sure take alot of processing power, so …
Some issues with the site + more
First, im not sure i underrstand the rating system. My game got 4 ratings, and the total score went as follows: 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 9/10. The last person told me that they voted 9/10. Well, ok. But i also know the 3rd and first persons voted 10/10. So if the …
Yes, i know just about everyones blog is now about their TV channel. I am not going to devote this entire blog to my channel 55 XTV (which hasnt even been approved as a channel yet). But if youre curious, heres some info on it: It will pwn every other …
XGA and some other stuff
XGA is my gaming group, it stands for Xtreme Gaming Arts. I will probably be looking for members soon. If you want to join, send me an email at herooftime55@hotmail.com, telling what you want to do, and an example of your work. What i'm looking for:
some spriters3d moddeler …No theory for today, just alot of awesome
Well, my 3D example was uploaded after much waiting. Go download it and try it out! Heres some additional info:
Yes, there are many bugs. The elevator bug is one that many point out, this is from the aftermath of several attempts to get the ramps working right.Another one …Gravity and my Rubber Band Ball
First, in case youre wondering i have a rubber band ball about 3 inches in diameter :D
Now then onto gravity: I think gravity is the 5th dimension, or at least thats where it exists. Einsteins theorey of relativity describes how gravity is the bending of space-time (time is the …The answer to the universe
Ok i was inspired to put my full thoughts on evolution and God and everything related into a blog entry. Im hoping there is no character limit to blog entries, 'cause this should be a long one. so long i doubt ill get it all in today.
Ok, so, basically, …Just some more random crap
EDIT: O yeah, Magicman told me to join here, so you can give him the referred one members badge or whatever….
Yesterday i suggested to melee-master that they put 8 submissionms on the front page. He told me it would look ugly. but look what we got today :PRANDOM …Arg so many things to do!
Wow i got alot of things that I gotta do. But that dosent mean that theyre IMPORTANT things…. The list includes:
Programming for my MMORPG (Revolution)Finish my entry for a Pong battleCreate a new avatar for an Avatar battleSomething Play Roller Coaster Tycoon Get some more records …Well hello
Yeah, i figured "Hey, a cool GameMaker type site, why not sign up." So here i am. Ill post some of my awesome work soon if i remember :P