Dear Pope Benedict XVI

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Sept. 17, 2010, 10:13 p.m.

Fuck you.

In a recent speech, you equated atheism with Nazism. I am not a Nazi and the two concepts have nothing to do with each other.

Yes, we live in an age where religion is quickly dying out. In the past, religion served to 'fill in the gaps' of human knowledge. Whenever science has come along to fill those gaps with the truth, those clinging to their religious beliefs stop the progress of science, and for many centuries, religion has held back the human race and our progression forward.

Today we live in an era dominated by science and technology; new discoveries are being made every day, and we know more about the universe and it's workings than anyone in history. This is a scary thing for religion, because it's purpose of 'filling in the gaps' is quickly becoming vestigial. It is, of course, no wonder that a large number of religious bodies are aggressively fighting against this new era of humanity, and it's not surprising to watch them go to such ridiculous extremes as to make comparisons with Hitler and Nazism. Pathetic, really.

But for calling me a Nazi: Fuck you.


Cesque 14 years, 5 months ago

I, personally, am saying (other people will probably think something different) is that that neither science nor religion is provably better because both ask you to make assumptions to some degree.

Let me use the scientists' favourite word: Falsifiability, man.* You can't prove that a claim is right, but you can prove that a claim is wrong. If a single object disobeys gravity, the theory of gravity is certainly wrong. If a person claims that the Bible is absolutely true and a single statement listed in it can be disproven, the Bible is certainly not absolutely true.

And of course, the whole idea of debating the means of establishing or verifying truths we owe to science and philosophy. A few hundred years ago we'd be just smacking one anothers heads with axes. And there'd be no debating whether your head really bleeds.

Reality only seems subjective until you end up a cancer patient. And then you'd rather prefer your doctors to be engineers treating your cancer as an objective truth, not philosophers debating whether one can objectively prove that the idea of you having cancer is better or more realistic than the idea of you not having one. "He's flatlining… but how can we be sure that there is indeed a way for us to prove that the sound going "beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeep" is real?"

But while you're at it, there's science and there's "popular" science. A lot of people do indeed trust science based on assumptions. People hear a lot about evolution and global warming so they assume it is true, even if they have no fucking idea how it works. But that's not the idea behind the methodology itself.

* Yes, scientists love to address one another "man".

Well, maybe quantum mechanics might prove wrong.

That, or the government will finally get bored with funding scientists who do nothing practical and allocate the saved finances to improving ballistic missiles instead.

Misconstruct 14 years, 5 months ago

Let's all think way too hard about this! YAY! :D

Lapixx 14 years, 5 months ago

That, or the government will finally get bored with funding scientists who do nothing practical and allocate the saved finances to improving ballistic missiles instead.

Who is improving those ballistic missiles then? (not sure if serious)

Leyenda 14 years, 5 months ago

Quote: hero
Science IS the method, as far as I am concerned.
well said.

Science focuses on our journey, without any preconceived notions about our destination.

Religion claims to know our destination, which is accepted on faith alone.

Neither is really right or wrong.

Juju 14 years, 5 months ago

I'm not saying "believe nothing." I thought was pretty fucking obvious. I'm saying you have to make assumptions at some point and that one type of assumption versus another is still an assumption.

Lapixx 14 years, 5 months ago

EV was definitely not trying to piss you off.

Extravisual 14 years, 5 months ago

OR WAS I? (nope)

Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

Oh, and Zero is a lie, its not a number.

Lapixx 14 years, 5 months ago

Zero equals infinity. Think about it, makes sense.

Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

No that doesn't, it's the opposite.

And infinity is a lie too.