The World's End Public Beta

Posted by JID on May 15, 2011, 10:11 p.m.

Without any delay, here's the public beta:



Mirror 1

Mirror 2

I didn't have enough time to fix how hideous my lobbies are, but who gives a shit, it gets the job done, I will fix them soon though.

Also, the mode Battlegrounds is rather new, I just made it two days ago, so it's not perfect yet.

Please, no one whine about how my hideous the graphics are, I know this already, I will fix them after I finish the game.

BETA Controls:

Letter A: move left

Letter D: move right

Letter W: move up

Letter S: move down

Letter F: Activate killstreaks

left mouse button: shoot

Middle mouse: Reload

Hold Space: Sprint

Tap space: Melee

Hold E: Use turrets

Press E: Pickup weapons

Shift: Deploy Shield

Esc: Pause

Letter Key X: Move Teammate to position(campaign only)

E: Pick up weapon

Mouse Wheel: Change Weapons

F9 to take screenshots



2 Kills - UAV

7 Kills - Airstrike

20 Kills - Hovering Super ship

I'm thinking about adding zombie dogs to this list from the game's campaign. :)


-Spawns in Battlegrounds aren't perfected yet.

-Rare bugs involving delta Timing.

-AI is fucking retarded sometimes.

Please notify me if you find any bugs or glitches.

Enjoy. =D

Random pics to look at to pass time. :3


Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

Pretty big file download for a beta like this. Hopefully you aren't abusing resources for the beta download :O

I'll try it out after 5 mins.

The download stopped. I'll have to retry after 45 seconds.

Download limit exceeded. Sorry.


JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Heh, yeah, I am abusing the recources. :3

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Hold up, I'll add a second link, so you can download it…

Second link's up.

Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

Hmmmm yeah it was abusing resources :P

Anyway this seemed like it was an adrenaline-like game with a few ideas from Halo. But it does have a cool sniper scoping mechanic, and a nice team-based twist. I noticed your menus were really bad, but knew that it is temporary. Really nice intro logo, to come to a bad title screen XD

Also, the graphics looked a lot better in windowed version, probably because the aspect ratio was good, unlike fullscreen. I'm also disappointed with the size of the view. I can barely see where the bullets are coming from half the time. The camera also irritates me when im near the edge of the screen…

Other than that, its a decent idea, but needs a lot of work with the gameplay. (obviously graphics and other things as well over time.) And put a bunch of weapons in it, with grenades not primary :F

Sometimes I wish I could run. :o

Cool start to a game.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

You didn't read the controls did you?

You can run, hold space. Tap space to melee.

Heh, it's funny how you said that the game was like Adrenaline, I started this game before Adrenaline was even thought of.

Also, most of the recources were from the game's campaign.

F1ak3r 13 years, 9 months ago

Please find better filehosts. Those two almost made me give up and not download the game at all because of their obnoxiousness.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, I wish I could, the game's filesize was too big for most other sites.

Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

Ohhhh. I read the controls in the game, which apparently are incorrect.

EDIT: and btw, please dont give the option for resolution. :/

JID 13 years, 9 months ago


lol, are you sure that you read right?

I copied and pasted the controls from the game and put them in the blog.


Thanks Cyrus.

Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

Oh ok it does work, just kinda irritating because of the whole limited view thing. I fixed the resolution thing by clearing the options.ini.

Another thing is that it was easy for me to die. Because i couldnt move out of the way, and because the life gets sucked out of you fast. Which could be okay, but then you have to wait a while to respawn :F