The World's End Public Beta

Posted by JID on May 15, 2011, 10:11 p.m.

Without any delay, here's the public beta:



Mirror 1

Mirror 2

I didn't have enough time to fix how hideous my lobbies are, but who gives a shit, it gets the job done, I will fix them soon though.

Also, the mode Battlegrounds is rather new, I just made it two days ago, so it's not perfect yet.

Please, no one whine about how my hideous the graphics are, I know this already, I will fix them after I finish the game.

BETA Controls:

Letter A: move left

Letter D: move right

Letter W: move up

Letter S: move down

Letter F: Activate killstreaks

left mouse button: shoot

Middle mouse: Reload

Hold Space: Sprint

Tap space: Melee

Hold E: Use turrets

Press E: Pickup weapons

Shift: Deploy Shield

Esc: Pause

Letter Key X: Move Teammate to position(campaign only)

E: Pick up weapon

Mouse Wheel: Change Weapons

F9 to take screenshots



2 Kills - UAV

7 Kills - Airstrike

20 Kills - Hovering Super ship

I'm thinking about adding zombie dogs to this list from the game's campaign. :)


-Spawns in Battlegrounds aren't perfected yet.

-Rare bugs involving delta Timing.

-AI is fucking retarded sometimes.

Please notify me if you find any bugs or glitches.

Enjoy. =D

Random pics to look at to pass time. :3


JID 13 years, 9 months ago

That's what you have a shield for.

Press shift.

You know, Alert, it'd help if you actually read the controls before you played.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Alert
And put a bunch of weapons in it, with grenades not primary :F
Wait, wtf, what did you mean by this?

The game already has 20+ weapons in it and the grenades aren't even a starting weapon, lol.

Also, I don't understand, what's wrong with the gameplay?

Graphics I can understand, but is the gameplay lacking polish or something?

Cesque 13 years, 9 months ago

I liked the stylish intro followed by default GM message boxes! [/sarcasm]

I didn't have enough time to fix how hideous my lobbies are, but who gives a shit, it gets the job done, I will fix them soon though.

Hearing "lobbies" made me hope for a multiplayer mode :<

Please, no one whine about how my hideous the graphics are, I know this already, I will fix them after I finish the game.

Come ooon, I never got a chance to whine about them before :(

Anyway, the graphics themselves aren't as hideous as the colour contrast. The ground is grey (at least sometimes), the bullets are blue, the trees and the HUD are green, the crosshair is yellow-and-red, some other stuff is some other colours, and it all creates a confusing and unrealistic colourful mashup.

Tone down the contrast.

Please notify me if you find any bugs or glitches.

This happened a few times after I died:

action number 18
of Mouse Event for Glob Left Pressed
for object objplayer:

In script scr_weapons_shoot:
Error in code at line 6:
    iii = instance_create(x,y,my_bullet)
at position 29: Unknown variable my_bullet

Also, pressing Esc sometimes makes the cursor disappear (and sometimes it doesn't).

As for the gameplay - I didn't play that much because I hate non-fullscreen mode and fullscreen mode on the laptop I'm on stretches the view (I'll check it out on my PC with a normal proportions monitor later). Mostly I just died a lot :(

What's the problem with using the right mouse button for reloading?

Also, nice statue of Hitler in the Airport map.

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

Anyway, the graphics themselves aren't as hideous as the colour contrast. The ground is grey (at least sometimes), the bullets are blue, the trees and the HUD are green, the crosshair is yellow-and-red, some other stuff is some other colours, and it all creates a confusing and unrealistic colourful mashup.

Tone down the contrast.

Okay, easy fix.

This happened a few times after I died:

You were mashing LMB too much?

But again, easy fix.

Also, pressing Esc sometimes makes the cursor disappear (and sometimes it doesn't).

I actually discovered this after I posted the game, and I was too lazy to reupload.

I know what causes this, so another easy fix.

Mostly I just died a lot :(

Dear lord, why does everyone that posted get raped in the game?

Loserhands, Qwilderwibben and Colseed had no problems learning how to play….

What's the problem with using the right mouse button for reloading?

That's the button for slow motion for campaign. Maybe I should add another reload button. Do you think "R" sounds good?

Also, nice statue of Hitler in the Airport map.

Not Hitler. >:V

Cesque 13 years, 9 months ago

That's the button for slow motion for campaign. Maybe I should add another reload button. Do you think "R" sounds good?

I guess :P

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

New hud, It's not completely finished, but this is to give you an idea

of where I'm heading.

BP Scraps 13 years, 9 months ago

AWESOME! Will download as soon as I can get on my PC (I'm on my DSi right now).

JID 13 years, 9 months ago

I will upload the new beta with bug fixes in a bit.

death 13 years, 9 months ago

sweet looking game :) and sweet looking banner ;)

i would download this if i could but the library doesn't let me download things from here =\

Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

New HUD looks good.

And I didnt reply right away, but i was using the shield. It does seem unfair that you get a shield and noone else does, but whatever it works. I think I got the hang of it now, but i dont know, maybe the shield should last longer and then have to recharge longer? Just a thought.

The game already has 20+ weapons in it and the grenades aren't even a starting weapon, lol.
Some of the guns really feel like the same kinda weapon. to me anyway.

But I still stand by my limited view stance. I really dislike it.

Also, I don't understand, what's wrong with the gameplay?

Graphics I can understand, but is the gameplay lacking polish or something?
Like, its a good start, but well….. Okay maybe not gameplay as to how the mechanics of the matches work. Every game I start I jump right into the fight and start shooting guys. Any guys. It seems like they all have the same weapons too, but I cant be sure. So fighting some guys is great, but if it is the same thing too much then it will get boring. … at least for me ;)

but like i said, its really good at this stage but needs some work (of course) to be great for the release.