Without any delay, here's the public beta:
BETA Controls:Letter A: move leftLetter D: move rightLetter W: move upLetter S: move downLetter F: Activate killstreaksleft mouse button: shootMiddle mouse: ReloadHold Space: SprintTap space: MeleeHold E: Use turretsPress E: Pickup weaponsShift: Deploy ShieldEsc: PauseLetter Key X: Move Teammate to position(campaign only)E: Pick up weaponMouse Wheel: Change WeaponsF9 to take screenshotsPRESS LMB ON ENEMIES HEAD FOR HEADSHOTS.BATTLEGROUNDS KILLSTREAKS:2 Kills - UAV7 Kills - Airstrike20 Kills - Hovering Super shipI'm thinking about adding zombie dogs to this list from the game's campaign. :)KNOWN ISSUES-Spawns in Battlegrounds aren't perfected yet.-Rare bugs involving delta Timing.-AI is fucking retarded sometimes.
Please notify me if you find any bugs or glitches.Enjoy. =D
Lawl, look at how good I am.
I'm copying every game ever made.SUCK IT ALIENS, WE GOTS JID ON OUR TEAM
HEHE, SUCKERSDear god, this game is too much work for one person.
I ain't go be finish dis shit for years to come, I've got too many features in the game. ;_;Just add a thousand weapons, polish the graphics and call it finished.
:PHire a team, pay them in virtual cookies.
I know I'm working on my own TDS, but I wouldn't mind helping out with AI, weapon ideas or sprites when I get the time :)
Why is everyone being so generous to me on this blog? ;_;
Also,We need Eva Unit and Colseed, Both are pretty badass with graphics.@RamboK, I wouldn't mind taking help from anyone at this point. This game is too much work. :(All I need is help with the graphics really, I think everything else I can pretty much do on my own.Oh yeah, almost forgot, I'm too lazy to learn 39DLL based multiplayer, need help with that too.EDIT: lol, I deleted Qwilder's comment by mistake.EDIT 2: GOT ANOTHER MOTHERFUCKIN SUPERSHIP.Lol poor Qwilder.
You'll have to find someone else for the 39DLL, and considering how messy the code could be in your project by now, it could be needlessly difficult~Sure-o, so what graphics would you need help with? Menu's? Player sprites? Weapons? Environment?And we're being kind because this game is coming along and we like you and your efforts <3I too can help sprite, brethren.
Also, triple sniper kill = satisfying.@Rambo
Either menues or player sprites, you choose.If you do player sprite, see what you can do with this abomination: