What do you believe?

Posted by JID on Dec. 23, 2011, 10:25 p.m.

with Christmas coming up, it'd be cool to talk about things considering religion and your position on all that. i've always been kind of interested in what people believe, because sometimes, they say some pretty interesting and deep things that make you think.

when answering, think of some of these questions to get you started:

do you believe in god or some form of deity and do you believe they exist? why or why not.

how do you believe mankind originated?

do you believe we will ever find out how and where mankind originated with undeniable or at least somewhat creditible evidence?

what do you think of all these other planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc. and do you believe we will ever find life out there?

i am very interested in knowing what you guys think.

now, hopefully, no one will make this get out of hand, but just in case, don't post anything that is purposely offensive to others. try to keep it reasonable and please, try to keep an open mind about this.

edit: i don't think I've mentioned my religion and all that stuff i believe in.

i am christian, so yeah, i believe in god. :p

but i'm not the type of christian who forces their beliefs all over you, and judge and insult you and you're religion, if you don't believe what i do.


JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

Aaaand that brings us back to deadpool.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

i'm just here to +1 juju's post. nothing to see here.

*logs back off*

Juju 13 years, 2 months ago

Woah woah woah, who the hell is LoserHands?

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

he's that cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything and logs in every once in a while

Juju 13 years, 2 months ago

Sounds a lot like me. Apart from the "cool" bit.

Juju 13 years, 2 months ago

I got a sandwich and some apple tango.

Also, let's not derail an interesting blog.

Derail my desperate cry for attention instead.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

also, i'd like to mention the library of alexandria, I had heard that it contained important documents that explained the origins of mankind, but it was burned down due to Julius Caeser being an ass.

who knows what that library could've contained. we could have known for sure, where we came from and the purpose of life, and the world could've probably been way less fucked up than it is now.

i'm not too great with history, so don't expect much more on this out of me.

Kamira 13 years, 2 months ago

1. I believe in a God. There's no evidence to disprove the existance of one, but there's a bit to prove it.

2. I believe in evolution though. I don't see why the concept of evolution seems to be so sacrilegious. Obviously, short term evolution exists in adapting, therefore long term makes sense. And fossils. Besides, if a God makes single celled organisms that eventually evolved into man, he still created man. Just indirectly.

3. Not until the end of time, which is not 2012. Stupid people…

4. Space travel seems like it will be very inconvenient at best. I doubt we'll ever get close to anything like Star Trek or Halo. Who knows, maybe we'll exhaust all our resources early and be stuck in our solar system, forever wondering about the rest of the world. As for out there, there just has to be life out there, given the ridiculous number of planets. Will we find them though? Depends on our luck, though I doubt we'll ever have the means to make it to another galaxy without having a very, very lengthy trip.

Too many people take religion as people throwing their beliefs upon others. If you don't like the concept of a God, at least take the moral values of a religion to consideration.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

also, i've never understood why the bible hasn't truely mentioned dinosaurs, even though there is a lot proof that they have existed.

there is a mention of dragons, which might be it, but you can never be too sure, the bible sometimes isn't very literal about things. there's sometimes some weird hidden meanings to things in the bible.

JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

I'm just waiting for the winner.

Although I guess If I had to choose I would go with Buddhism.