Okay, what now?

Posted by JID on Feb. 16, 2012, 5:45 p.m.

Since I'm finished with my V4D game, I don't know what I should do next.

Surprisingly, I don't want to work on TWE again. At least for a while.

(That shitty TDS that I've been making for the past 2178435694 years)

I've been thinking about creating an entirely new game, or continue working on Fighter Valentine and making it work with Alert Games' AGMAPI.

I was planning on doing something similiar to Dark Souls, where players could join your world and either try to help you, or try to kill you. I already have some decent ideas on how that would work, I think it'd be pretty cool, but I don't know if anyone would even play it.

Is there any type of game that you would like to see made? I'm up for suggestions.

I just want to work on something as fun to make as Fighter Valentine again. It was the first time I've ever made a game that didn't take itself seriously whatsoever, and I'm proud of the results, though I think I could've done better on some parts.

Also, here's some concept art that I started when the V4D comp first begun, but I never finished:

Originally, the kittens in the game were going to be neutral, until you attacked them. Then they would transform into gigantic cat heads and their eyes would shoot laser beams at you.

True story. luls

The guy on the right was originally supposed to be the villian of the game, but he eventually turned out to become Dr. Obesity.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I had originally planned for the player to be able to buy sword in the game, each with their own damage. But due to time constrictions, I had replaced that with explosive cupcakes.


JID 13 years ago

Also, hopefully I could manage to cram some Dark Souls inspired mp in there. :p

Alert Games 13 years ago

While youre planning your next project, make some tweaks to your F4D game and add achievements and scores! :D (Also im gonna put a small update up that organizes the scripts a little better so you can easily delete the ones you dont need)

It would be cool :3 Then everyone can try out the system D:

Unaligned 13 years ago

SMP knows his stuff, although I wouldn't call a well designed metroidvania easy to make.

JID 13 years ago


I actually started making some tweaks to Fighter Valentine just yesterday, I plan to make it slightly easier and more forgiving.

Everyone who plays it, keeps mentioning how frustratingly difficult it is. lol

I'll try to get it to work with your API.

SMP knows his stuff, although I wouldn't call a well designed metroidvania easy to make.
I've never played a Castlevania game. idgaf

I'm going to be thinking heavily about what I want to do for my next game. I should be able to cook up something decent. I'll most likely steal some code from FV. :p

Alert Games 13 years ago

@Cyrus: Sure. As long as they are pretty good games. I want to have a nice number of quality games, rather than most game sites that have a lot of shit games with a few good ones mixed in ;) Make sure to use semicolons after assignment of variables to obfuscate it. Just design your game, and keep the achievements in mind, the API is built to easily add it into your game ;) Let me know when your game has a demo and ill give you access ;)

@JID: Dont worry the API is simple. Just add in the resources, take out the multiplayer stuff, and make it to fit your own style :D

I may add a saving method too or something i dunno.

JID 13 years ago

Dont worry the API is simple. Just add in the resources, take out the multiplayer stuff, and make it to fit your own style :D

I may add a saving method too or something i dunno.
I may just only add achievements and online highscores in the enhanced version of FV. I don't want to spend too much time working on one game.

My next game will hopefully contain some MP shits in it.

JID 13 years ago

I may add a saving method too or something i dunno.
Wait, you mean like cloud saving or something? That would be an amazing feature. :D

LoserHands 13 years ago

You just need world-realistic details to make something immersive.

If you want to make a zombie game just do your best meng.

JID 13 years ago

I'm probably not going to make some ultra detailed immersive world.

I just want to make something that's fun to play and it looks pretty good graphics-wise.

I want to make a game that'll make you feel like a complete badass while not taking itself too seriously.

Something amazingly over the top would be fun. Some huge bosses.

I'm probably going to draw some inspiration from good ol' DBZ to make this game.

Taking notes of all good ideas for my games works great for me, I learned this while working on FV.

JID 13 years ago

I would make it this over the top if I could:


That game is hilariously over the top, played the demo on xbl, because I just decided to download an ultra random game.

I was honestly laughing at how rediculous some of the shit was. Cool game though, I've gotta admit. Even though it made me say wtf several times during the demo and the fact that I don't really like anime style games.